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The Pit of Love
By Tami
Venus Fanfiction Production
Do the Crew

Adriana glanced at her boyfriend Lance of two years with tears in her eyes. She didn't know what she was doing, and she was scared. She saw the love in his eyes, as he asked her to go on tour with him."Please come with me. We're going to be on tour for a while, and I can't leave you that long. Please say you'll come. You're always saying how you want to go on a trip with me, and now's your chance. all for free!" Lance asked her.

"I don't know Lance, I'll have to think about it." She answered him.

"No! No, don't think. Just say yes. Whenever you think about stuff, you always say no. Be spontanious, Adriana. You never are." He told her.When she didn't answer and he saw the doubt in her eyes, he knew he had to say what he had never said to her before. He was scared, but he had to do it. "I love you, Baby. With everything I have. Without you, I don't know where i would be. You have always been there for me, and I feel this with all my heart and world." He told her with a trembling voice.

The tears that threatened to spill over her eyes, now cascaded. He had said something to her, she had never really wanted to hear from him. She was so scared to love him back. She knew she did, but saying it made it all real. She had been hurt so much in the past, she didn't want to go through it again. "No! Lance. No! you don't love me. Youre just saying that, cuz you want me to go with you. How do you know you love me? You never know, we could be on this tour and in the middle of it, you realize you don't love me, and you want a take back." She replied back to him angerily and tearfully.

"What? What's a take back? I don't want to take back. I love you, because I feel it. I'm scared too, but I don't care!! I want to do this! I know I love you, and I want to be with you." He answered. "And, I want to hear you say it back. But, if you don't love me back...then just leave. I don't want to be in your life anymore."

"I don't love you Lance. I never did." She said, before running out the door. When she reached her car, she sobbed like she never has before. "Oh God!!!...What did i just do??!!" she sobbed to herself.

---one week later----

Adriana was missing Lance like she has never missed anything before in her life. She missed his smell, the caring way he talked to her when she was upset, the way he held her in his arms, the soft kisses he gave her, the way he listened, laughed at her jokes, the way he would tell a joke but forget it in the middle, the way he looked with his shirt off, all of it. She knew what she did was stupid and the worst thing she could ever do. She knew she had to explain it to Lance, in the only way she knew how. In her writing:

Hi. I know you probably don't understand why i did what i did. But the
truth is, i just dont want to get hurt like i have in the past, you know all
about it. i do love you lance. so much it scares me sometimes. when i left
you that day, i got in my car, and i cried. i cried like a baby. i am so
sorry. i hope the poem below explains myself more. i will go on tour with
you, if you forgive me. i will be at the airport though. if you don't want me
to come with you...then there's nothing i can do about that, but i will
understand. i love you, baby. with all my being. -Adriana

The Pit Of Love

I fixed my eyes upon the pit
And vowed to stay away.
And yet the blackness called to me,
From where I wished to stay.

They say love's one man's folly
And another's key to fame
But love was not an issue,
I hated the crying games.

Still, I wandered toward the pit,
It held a strange allure.
It proved a place of mystery
I'd never been before.

Up to the edge I crept,
Looking into the abyss.
Though I knew not what awaited for me,
This chance I could not miss.

I lived a sheltered, quiet life;
i longed to risk it all.
I took one more step foward,
'Twas there I took the fall.

I tried to grab onto th edge,
Regretting my new fate.
Instead I kept on falling;
My efforts were in vain.

Although I landed softly,
I sensed a bruise or scar.
But those were often made
In matters of the heart.

However, doubt consumed my mind,
"Would he be like the last?"
Until at length I felt a touch,
It swept the doubt I'd cast.

His stong hands pulled me close to him.
As one we climbed above.
I realized I had fallen safe
Into the arms of love.

Please be my arms of love, Lance. Forgive me? -Adriana


One week later at the airport: Adriana was so nervous. She had sent the letter a little while ago to Lance, and she knew he got the letter. She was there a little early, just in case the group showed up early. As she waited, she tried to imagine life without Lance, and she couldn't. She knew if he didn't forgive her, she would get over him. Very very slowly, but she would. Would she ever love somebody the way she loves Lance? She didn't know. Only time would tell. All of a sudden she felt strong hands turn her around, and she stared into the face that saved her from the pit she had fallen into.

"Oh Lance. I love you so much, baby. I'm sooo sorry." She told him tearfully, with all her heart.

"Shhh..." He replied back putting his finger over her lips. "It's okay. I forgive you, and I love you too." She sobbed as he pulled her into his arms and held her close. "Let's go on that long tour/vacation, okay?" He asked her with tears in his eyes. She could only nod her head yes, and as they met in the soft, gentle, sweet kiss she loved.

"Lance! Adriana! Let's go!" Justin shouted with his girlfriend, Tami.

"We're coming!" They shouted back.

Lance gave her one last long hug and kiss before they boarded their plane together, and their life together.


::Send Tami feedback::