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Welcome to Tami's Page.
Hey Everybody!!! So, this is my page. The Juno Page!!
<spreads arms wide open>
I hope you *NJoEy everything! Sorry about the little joke, I couldn't
resist. hehehe!! Please send me feedback, I love it!! Ask any of the other
girls in the crew, I do. It's actually quite pathetic. =) I hope you like
what you read on this whole entire site, if you don't, it's okay. Just
respect that we all have worked long and hard on the stuff we do. It's fun
though, as all fiction writers know! Thank you for visiting the site, and my
stories. Have a great day, and take care! Remember to always SMILE!! =D and
never lost faith in yourself! Peace out!
<hits fist on chest and makes a peace sign>

//The Pit of Love
Happy Birthday*
Don't Fight It
My Earth Angel*
Mended Heart
Kisses of Love
Isn't it Obvious
I'll Tell Him Tomorrow
And Then You Appeared
The Kiss
 My Best Feature
Love is Never Lost*
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