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Thank you's

My Crew Sisters ~ What do you say to the most wonderful thing ever? We've been through so much in the past year that we've all known each other. Never once, have you left my side. You've stood by me through so much, and it amazes me to see the dedication and love you put into our friendships and your work. You all are true inspirations, and no matter where I go, I'll always remember you and the impact you have made on my life. I love each and every one of you. Past Crew Members, Current Crew Members, and Future Crew Members. I love you and cheerish the memories for all eternity.

Connecticut Kids ~ Thank you for the BEST time in my entire life. It is because of you that I'm happier, and I have awesome memories to reflect on. I'll see you all soon. I love you.

Justine ~ I have so much fun when we talk together on the internet! LOL! Fun times, crazy times. LOL! We've become closer through It's Only Me, and thank God that story was written! You have given me so much inspiration, and thank you for it. You'll always be in my heart.

Jaqui ~ Cracky and Heroine FOREVER!!!! My co moderator!!!! I'll never forget the Top Ten Lists, and the busting on each other. Thanks for everything! you're awesome! Love ya!

Adriana ~ I miss you!! I'm so glad that we've stayed friends for so long. No matter how much time passes, we always manage to stay in touch, and keep close. You're amazing, and you've taught me sooo much! Thank you for introducing me to Fictionlyn and for standing by me through everything. I love you Sick Chick and Co Official NSYNC Crotch Watcher!!

Lindz ~ GRRLL!! you rawk the Mic HARD!!! <wiggles eyebrows> Thank you so much for all the dedication, support, and friendship through the past months. I've had so much fun emailing you back and forth and seeing your reactions to my chapters. They always cheer me up, and help me to keep writing. love you!

Yonni ~ Thank you! thank you! Thank you!! You have always emailed me new samples of stories, given me feedback, and helped me with story ideas. I wish you all the luck in the future, and all the happiness in the world. I'll never forget Tecla and Chris.

Ashley ~ Love and Leprachauns!! HEYYY!! thanks for all the support from you as well. You too have cheered me up and helped me to continue writing. I hope we stay friends and keep in contact for a looong lonnng time!! love ya!

Anniebella ~ Hey! Hey! Hey! It's Fattt albert!! hey, did you catch any balls today? You are the one person here at home, who has truly and whole heartedly supported my writing. You're my best friend, and there's nothing I wouldn't do for you. i love you. <sniffle>

Nikki ~ Nobody could ask for a better sister. I love to watch your reactions and your facial expressions to a new story I've written. I'm glad that you've started writing and are thinking of taking newspaper production. You can only move up in the world, and get better at everything you do. I will always and forever love you, no matter what happens. I'm proud of you.

Leslie ~ Thank you for giving our friendship a second chance. I've never regretted any of the decisions I've made. I did in the past, but i no longer do. I'm glad we've matured and can appreciate our friendship more. You're a true friend, and I'm glad it took me awhile to realize that. Because now, I'll never forget it. =) You blessed my life. Love you.

Fictionlyndiscussionlist ~ HAHA!!!! We've had some FUNNNY times! Did you know that a dork means a whale's penis?! LOL! Thank you for all the laughter and the ability to vent about lyn's latest chapter! hehe!! *end the freakin transmission, they've had enough*

Heather ~ I don't even know how we started talking about the crew and the website! I'm glad you like all the stories and it makes me feel so awesome to know that you go to the site on a regular basis. You're a great friend, and I hope that Valerie keeps us in contact for awhile!! Thank you for being such a cool friend!! I don't have any friends here that like to read fanfiction as a whole, except for you. Thank you very much! *hugs* love ya!

Peace out everybody!