July 18, 2001
New York City, NY
Webster Hall
Private gig

thanks to Tep
This review was originally submitted to sidewalkannie.com

have you been to this show also?
if so send in your review!



I sat across the street from Webster Hall for 2 hours. When 6:00 came, the Wallflowers tour bus came up. It's gray with blue lines or squiggly blue lines on it. Real shiny. The bus guy actually cleaned the tires!! Okay, it took a while for them to come out, at around 7:00, I saw Greg come out. He was wearing a black shirt and a woman, shorter than him, skinny, black hair, was with him. Mario was next. His curls were cut down. He had on long shorts and an orange shirt. Mike came out, he had on a blue denim jacket and green army like pants. I was surprised he was so short to me. Rami, in black with the crazy hair (I like the hair and it does stand out), came out of Webster Hall, which is why I never saw Jake. Obviously, from my view, I missed Jakob somehow slip inside. The bus had to keep moving, so somewhere in that time I missed Jake. I was across the street and no, I never shouted to them. I guess I should have. I didn't want to give security a reason to kick me off the steps. I was the only one there. I rushed outside without my camera, so I have no pics. Mario looked in my direction, but I got scared and looked away. Stupid, yes I know. But I swear Rami looked in my direction. He kept staring across the street and smiling. I smiled back, but I was like, is he looking at me?? Goodness knows everyone that worked at Webster Hall knew I was out there for hours, even the bus guy was looking at me. So, was Rami? I think so and that was really cool:) Anyway, I hope if the Wallflowers read this, they know someone supported them in NYC. Oh, the marquee said "Welcome Apple Developers" and people had red cards for their tickets.