July 3, 2001
San Diego, CA
Humphrey's Concerts by the Bay

thanks to Maria

have you been to this show also?
if so send in your review!



I went to the show with a good friend of mine. We got their bout two hours early just to fly thru LA traffic. If you've been in LA u know traffic can be a bitch. Anyways, we went on a mission. WE had to deliver this scrapbook that we made online along with a lot of other fans. "Interpretations of Dylan". WE got there and right as we drove up into the parkin lot we see Michael and Greg signing stuff. We parked but they had left by then, so we waiting around, and then Greg came up, and he was real kool, we took pics and he signed stuff. Then Michael came up, and he was real kool too, but he seems a bit shy. then Rami came up, (boy is fine) he had his hair dyed red with golden highlights. I told him i liked his red hair, and he put his hand over my head and said he liked my red hood. i thought that was funny. Then we saw Mario, but he kinda rushed by and said he'd be back later. it was 7:00 and Jake was no where to be found. so we just went inside ze venue, the show rocked! best show i've been to. the crowd sucked though. i stood up during the whole thing, except for "i wish i felt nothing" i sat down during that one. they came back for the encore, and Greg, Mike, and Mario delivered the best version of Song 2 i've ever heard. sorry blur but these guys sounded great! man the show was off the hook. Jake and Rami came up to play the last song, which was "whats so funny bout peace, love and understandin" and that blew everyone away. My friend steph and i were thinkin that jake might not show up outside after the show so we rushed the stage. He was just about to leave but i called him over and gave him the scrapbook. He took it and gave me a big smile! then we rushed out of the venue cuz some weird old men had been chasing us around all day. we kicked it by the tour bus, and we finally got to take pics with Mario, and he was real kool. we talked to him for a while, but then he had to leave ::le sigh:: best nite ever tho, thats all i gotta say.