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Have you ever turned on the radio and heard an appalling piece of trash and thought, oh my god, what the hell happened to Pearl Jam or what the hell happened to the stone temple pilots , only to be simultaneously relieved and horrified to find that it isn't your favorite band playing this garbage, but some factory-made, talentless, corporate-rock rip off? If you have experienced this, then you know what a terrible feeling it is, and what I mean when I say that Creed's music is derivative. Creed has managed to rip-off every popular and talented rock band of the early to mid-nineties. They steal riffs from the Stone Temple Pilots, as if no one will notice. The intelligent ones already have noticed. Some local dj's have taken to calling them "Stone Temple Creed." Why do they copy other bands? Because they suck. If they had talent they wouldn't need to copy other bands. If their music was meaningful, then they could be original in what they played. Tired of having to hear watered-down, meaningless, copy-cat versions of your favorite songs? So are the rest of us. Creed must be stopped.