Boss Hogg's Speed Trap.
This page is dedicated to all the Country Singing Stars who were unfortunate enough to get caught in "Boss Hogg's Speed Trap," and in lieu of a huge traffic fine, had to perform a free concert at The Boar's Nest for the Folks in Hazzard County.
SONG: "Y'all Come."
EPISODE: "Find Loretta Lynn."
SONG: "Rocky Top."
EPISODE: "The Hazzardville Horror."
SONG: "Out-of-State Cars."
EPISODE: "Good Neighbors Duke."
EPISODE: "State of the County."
EPISODE: "Double Dukes."
EPISODE: "By-Line, Daisy Duke."
SONG: "Take this Job and Shove It!"
EPISODE: "The Fugitive."
EPISODE: "Bye, Bye, Boss."
SONG: "Pretty Woman."
EPISODE: "The Great Hazzard Hijack."
SONG: "Tiger by the Tail."
EPISODE: "Hughie Hogg Strikes Again."
SONG: "Prettier at Closing Time."
EPISODE: "The Sound of Music - Hazzard Style."