_______*_______ This Disclaimer Station is named in memorial tribute after the Bandleader of The Dukes of Hazzard Show--Waylon Jennings * * * * * This is not an official "Dukes of Hazzard" Website. This is just my own special tribute to one of my all time favorite T.V. Shows.
____________________________________ GRAPHICS DISCLAIMER: Use Browser to return to this page. As I mentioned earlier, I do not make any money with "The Four Worlds of Mayor Willie Website." I post song lyrics, midi's, and various graphics/clip art throughout this website because I have a strong love for music and American Folklore, and because Folk Songs are a major contributor to American and Holiday Folklore.
I created the "Four Worlds of Mayor Willie" strictly as a hobby. However, if there are any graphics, song lyrics or midi files you feel should not be posted on "The Four Worlds of Mayor Willie Website," please click the Feedback Button posted above, fill out the form and send it to me. Thank you..... ********************WAYLON JENNINGS MEMORIAL DISCLAIMER STATION:
Bill Baxter, DTM (Mayor Willie).
Cyber World According to Bill Baxter, DTM.