Explanation of the setup: Unless otherwise noted - all my stories involve Fire And Ice and Hanson. However, Hanson stories base more around the boys than Fire And Ice, and Fire And Ice stories base more around the girls than Hanson. The Fire And Ice/Hanson Fan Fiction (FNI/Hanfics or Han/FNIfics) stories simply mean that the story is equally shared by the two groups. Hosted stories for either group can simply mean that it is just for that one group. So if it doesn't say - BY EMC - don't assume you'll have both groups in it, unless it's a Han/FNIfic. |
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Official Fire And Ice!
Official Hanson!
Copyright 2000-2003, EmC's World Of Music. No steal. No borrow. No copy.
While I have met BOTH Fire And Ice & Hanson, as well as a good majority of the other celebs I write about in my fan fiction, I am in no way affiliated with Fire And Ice, Hanson, or any other music group, actor/actress or artist for that matter. If you're offended by my potrayal of any of the people than I'm sorry, but get over it! It's my perspective and imagination at work, and it's a free world! Thanks! - EmC