Are Left-handed People Smarter?Are left handed people smarter than right handed people? I often think about it. Not to say that right handed people are stupid. Hey, some of my best friends are right handed! But, i've looked up on the subject and found many people who were left handed were also extreamly smart.
Albert Einstein was one of the smartest men around and still is.....even though he's dead. He did all sorts of stuff.I can't really think of any, but trust me he's smart.He's the one who did that whole E=MC SQUARE thing. |
Paul Mcartney is only one of the founding members of noe of the most popular bands in the world! The Beatles! They completly changed the way music was heard and lead the way for the rolling stones. |
Bill Gates invented the microsoft computer program. He's like the richest man in the U.S. today. |