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118 Ways to tell your a flaggot

1.You walk on step to all music you hear.
2. You spin pencils/pens/mops/brooms/pool cues, etc.
3. You have a drawer full of flag T-shirts.
4. You're constantly involved in fund raisers (want to buy a candy bar?)
5. The term attitude has lost all meaning.
6. You know where every high school in your circuit is located.
7. You are an expert at assembling backdrops.
8. When you hear a song you've done a routine to you get extatic.
9. When you hear a song by a group you used to get extatic.
10. You've seen 3:30 in the morning many times.
11. Seperate checks in a restaurant are the best thing to ever happen to you.
12. Your lucky if your instructor gets you name right.
13. You're considered lucky if your instructor noticed your haircut.
14. You know how to wrap your own bandages.
15. You have a flag callus on your right palm under your small finger.
16. You have a permanent rifle bruise on your left and right thumbs.
17. You have more inside jokes than any of your other friends.
18. You can smile gennuinly on command.
19. Your priorities are slightly askew.
20. You have an excuse for everything.
21. You can catch anything thrown at you.
22. You find yourself telling your friends to run for chewing gum.
23. You find yourself telling your friends to run for swearing.
24. Every song becomes a possible flag routine.
25. You know the perfect spot for a toss in your favorite songs.
26. Finals are a positive thing.
27. Your calluses are less stressful than practice.
28. You know that "one more time" never means one more time.
29. You can do your hair and make-up anywhere.
30. You can change into your uniform anywhere.
31. Someone who can throw a piece of wood 40ft in the air is your idol.
32. You've aissed more 4th periods than you've been to.
33. You can drive from your house to the high school in record time.
34. You can change, go to the bathroom, and go to your locker in 4.5 min.
35. You laugh like everyone else on your guard.
36. You use two hands to tell your left from your right.
37. You count all music to beats of 6 or 8.
38. You constantly watch tv. Dance shows for a good new move.
39. Watching a 1/2 show has become more then a leisure activity.
40. Leaving your seat at 1/2 time would be considered a sin.
41. You know how many people can be crammed into a mini van.
42. Lycra-spandex has become a permanent part of your closet.
43. You have never taken a dance class but you know more terms than in the foreign language you took.
44. The soles of your practice shoes have holes in them from doing to many terms.
45. You've left your house wearing things you swore you never would like hair curlers, spandex, 2 tons of makeup, etc.
46. You've been in a wrestler room when there were no wrestlers.
47. You've been in a guys locker room when there were no guys in it.
48. Getting a sip of water is considered an act of love and kindness from your instructor.
49. You find yourself critquing every parade you see.
50. Caravans are run like well oiled machinery.
51. You will not consider anything over $5 dinner while at a competition.
52. The band room becomes your home away from home.
53. You become your own pharmacist.
54. Anyone who carries fem. products becomes your best friend.
55. You know how many teenage girls you can fit in a hotel room.
56. You know how to manage 9 girls and 1 bathroom.
57. You wish they offered time/money/stress management in school.
58. You wish they offered nap time in school.
59. The term battle of the sexes has been turned into battle of the bands/guards.
60. You can mock all other bands/guards quite well.
61. 4 1/2 hours of sleep before a competition is considered lucky.
62. You know what jello arms and legs feel like.
63. You've considered dating a band/percussion member or have dated one.
64. Your parents know of more H.S.'s now than when they were in H.S.
65. Asking your parents for money has reached the extreme.
66. Having your show finished the day before your first competition/performance is considered lucky.
67. You know nothing is ever definite.
68. There's no such thing as a "summer vacation".
69. The smell of sun screen makes you think of band camp.
70. Getting 2 new uniforms a year is a rarity.
71. You're the last people to hear about the pep rally and the first the perform at them.
72. Coming home before 4:30pm on a weekday almost never happens.
73. You've spent more money on flags than you have on your college education.
74. You've never worked so hard for a chunk of wood w/some metal on it (trophy).
75. You never could teach your dog to fetch cause everything you throw you have to catch yourself.
76. No matter how good your guard is you still get the smallest coverage in the yearbook.
77. The keds sales lady knows you personly.
78. The school nurse knows you and your parents by name.
79. You know what a fulcrum is.
80. Your guard has developed its own language.
81. You know that if you try something weird it might just end up in your show.
82. Your school locker is an uncharted area to you.
83. The term democracy is not in your vocabulary.
84. You try more stunts than the cheerleaders.
85. You learn to love your instructor when you see other guards shows and uniforms.
86. You went to every school football game but never paid for one.
87. Your nails have never extended beyond your finger tips.
88. You know what's significant about June 14th (if not look at your calender).
89. You know weather you've passed your limit or not.
90. You know how to bend any rule.
91. You've never actually watched a football game.
92. You can get any teacher to sympathize w/you and let you off for that missing assignment.
93. You say guard halt when you want your friends to stop.
94. You have had more pictures taken of you than any of your friends.
95. Your personl best is 60 push ups in one day.
96. You can arm wrestle any band/chorus/drama/cheerleading member and win.
97. You have electrical tape in your back pack.
98. You have a screwdriver in your back pack.
99. You have hit yourself in the head w/a flag/rifle/sabre more times than you would like to think about or can think about!
100. Your friends have had to sedate you for using a measuring stick and/or musical instrument bow to practice sabre blade tosses.
101. You walk in step with your guard friends.
102. You can talk about practically anything at practice and competitions no matter who's around.
103. When you hear "learn this" while you picking up your stuff.
104. You march to the back ground music in the mall.
105. You jazz walk/run at home, school, mall, etc..
106. You do split leaps down every hall you come to.
107. Every time you find a bruise/scrape on yourself, you automatically know you got it at a guard rehearsal.
108. You've used up all the white out covering up the marks on the ceiling/wall from the rifle you WEREN'T spinning in the house...and need more.
109. You cheer louder than the cheerleaders at football games.
110. When you are together so much (because of practice or just getting together) that you all get your period at the same time!
111. When your instructor feels she has enough on the job training to look for a 2nd job as a hair stylist/makeup artist to supplement her income during the summer
112. When all your "outside the guard" friends roll their eyes and whisper not again, as you talk about how cool your show is, and how you manage to "nail" your tosses every time.
113. When you can drop spin and carry on a conversation, and jazz step all at the same time, with out even thinking about it.
114. When you point your toes in your sleep.
115. When you get teary eyed when you have to put your saber down so you can eat dinner.
116. When Colorguard is practically all you talk about!!!
117. When your Colorguard friends is all you talk to!!!
118. When you spend 10-15 hours of your day practicing on spinning!!