You know when you've been in cologuard/flagcorps entirely too long...
- When you actually take the time to iron your flags
- When you have mastered putting on make-up on a bumpy bus ride
- When there's a permanent "Hey, I'm happy to be here" cheesy grin on your face
- When you listen to music, of any kind, and you see flag choreography-with you as the lead star
- When you become immune to the pain of a rifle/sabre
- When the muscles in your wrists, legs, and forearms are bigger than Arnold Schwarzeneggars
- When you run or jog (anywhere) you subconsciously start to jazz run with your toes pointed
- When you feel like you'll never be off you diet.
- When the argument of whether or not Cadets of Bergen County or Blue Devils colorguard is better becomes more impoartand than princess Diana's death
- When you get accustomed to waking up everyday with sore muscles.
- When you start to wrtie your own choreography
- When you start to critique others choreography
- When you start to complain when the drill design is too easy.
- When you have memorized all the different types of stretches known to man/woman and can perform them properly
- When you can re-tape (or tape) a rifle, sabre, or flag in under 5 minutes
- When you look at your legs and arms and realize that all the bruises are from practice
- When you act like you know the major colorguard designers "big whigs" when you've never even spoken them before
- When you start to average how many more years you could possibly be able to audition for a drum corp/winterguard
- When you start to design your own flags
- When you try to scrape up the last of your life saving for audition camps
- When you feel like most of your times is spent on a stairmater or other means of cardiovascular exercise
- When you closet is more full with costumes than actual real, everyday clothes
- When you start to wear you costumes out to the club
- When youdance you catch yourself doing choreography that was written in a routine that you performed months/years ago
- Instead of jumping over a puddle, you leap..or even (if you feel real good that day) a switch leap
- When your rifle/sabre/flag has a name
- When you get angry when someone else picks up your equipment...and drops it!
- When you have a conversation with your equipment