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The Freddie Mercury Rememberance Book

I have made this book so fans that come to my page can put down how they feel about Freddie.Please write down what you want as long as it doesnt contain, bad language,bad referance to Queen, bad referance to Freddie.

I will most likely print these out and make an actual book.
Thank You

The Freddie Mercury Network is designed to allow everyone who has a Freddie Mercury Page, be joined together to honor this great man.You can have a book like I have, or anything as long as its for Freddie, or Freddie related.To Join The Freddie Mercury Network, simply enter the details below.>>

Message to Webmaster:

Craig is an honorary
Member of the Freddie Mercury Network
and heres what it looks like, but you can change the image anytime, youll have to change the name and email address of course

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We Will Always Miss You Freddie
September 5, 1946 - November 21, 1991
Freddie Mercury