This is Beth's concert review from November 21, 2000 at Dallas.
On November 21, 2000, I drove 3 1/2 hours from OKC to Dallas to see BBMak perform at Orange Bowl at 7:30 PM. I was the very first fan there and at first I thought I was at the wrong place. I arrive at 11:30 AM and head back to the Canyon Club where BBMak will perform. I was expecting to already see a girl with her mom but they were not there. So I stood at the door after the manager told me where the fans will line up. The girl (Kylee) shows up at 12:30 PM with her best friend Tara and her mom, Shellie.
We hang out for hours and save our spots in line while making friends with anyone who walks into our area. I spot Tasha, the road manager's assisstant, and she assured me I would get to meet the lads. At 7:30, I peek in and see Christian, Mark, Ste, and Jessica Riddle at a table. Christian peeks at me, and I just look at him. I did not scream or freak out since I was told by the founders to behave since others did not in the past and the lads got upset about that.
I go up to the table and hand Christian a letter. He looks surprised and I tell him to read it later. I pass my street team badge to the lads to sign and Jessica asks for my name to write it on a sticker of hers to hand out. Mark hands me my badge and says "Here you go, Darling!"
I go off to the side. Later I go over to the table again to get a hug from the lads. I catch Ste's attention. He looked surprised and I asked to get a hug. I repeated it again, since Ste could not hear me. I was timid. I didn't want to cause too much trouble since I wanted to make a good impression on the lads and not freak out. Mark jumps up and says, "Yes!" He hugs me and he smelled so good, he would not let go! Ste hugs me and says, "Here you go sweetie." Christian was distracted since a girl wanted to get her birthday card signed. Christian had to give attention too, so Mark and Ste told him to give me a hug. He was surprised and gave me a good hug while saying "Here you go love." I step to the side because it is picture time, and a man will take your picture. I was in my own group, so I stood by Ste and Jessica. I stepped on Ste's foot, and he laughed it off. Mark said "Watch your step darling."
I went into the Canyon room. I had lost my spot. I saw my friends at the front, and they later gave me a Christian pic and a Mark pic, since I didn't get to catch any.
Lugo started the opening acts, and I thought he was cute and funny since he was supposed to be the next Ricky Martin. Jessica Riddle was next and she was REAL good. She played instruments really well and sang at the same time like a pro!
BBMak sang all the songs off the American album. I got Mark's attention the whole time by waving at him. He smiled and waved back. He remembered me from the meet and greet. I never could get Christian's attention till "Again" when he sang, "Can I hold you?" and I yelled "Yes!" and he spoke "Thank you." I did not think he heard me!
Towards the end, Christian said to watch for the single "Still on Your Side" and watch the Disney special with them. They performed SOYS and more and threw out pics.
Here's a picture of Beth with BBMak and Jessica Riddle!

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