The next day we went to the CN Tower which I didnt know until now is the tallest building in the world. They have this part where there is just glass and you can walk on it and look down to the ground. I was so scared to walk on it. It was freaky and I have a fear of heights but it turned out all good. We went to eat at the top of the tower and had the most amazing view of the city and the water. I really think that I could live in Toronto. There is so much to do and it is really clean. I love pittsburgh but it is not clean at all. So after the CN Tower we went to the Air Canada center and picked up our tickets. I stared at them for a good moment just to make sure that I really got second row. I was in awe to say the least. We went back to the hotel and and got ready and then left for the show. I still could not believe that I was going to see FM again. We got to the venue around 6:30 and I got my tourbook. I just loved it. I was going to get a shirt but it was $45 CAD which I know is really not that much but I figured that I already spent enough money so I will order it online later on when I get paid.
So we go to our seats and then I am so EXCITED!! The only thing I hated was that the rows were so close together and that they were not split up so everytime people had to leave we had to move which really annoyed me later on. I could not find any ear plugs so I knew that I was going to be hurting after the show but the Mac is worth it. I know that this list is somewhat out of order so bear with me.
The Chain - I noticed the crickets this time and they went on which seemed like forever. The Mac started at exactly 8:00. As soon as they came out I knew we were in for a special treat. The Chain was so much better than the Pittsburgh show. They were really into it and everybody was going crazy. Of course Lindsey and Stevie came out holding hands. They are just too cute. This is the first time my husband noticed Stevie's dreadful reeboks. He got a kick out of that one. Dreams - Before this Stevie says Welcome Toronto or something like that. Of course this song is always wonderful. I just stand there and stare at Lindsey. I had fun singing to him tonight but he kept looking at this obnoxious family that was in the front row. They were going crazy the entire time but they only knew the old tunes and left for some of the new. I hate that.
Eyes of the World - I think this song was third this time because the last time I remember it being the fourth song. Anyway, I love the drums in the beginning and they way they are so animated. Peacekeeper - This song seemed to start out slower that I remember but it was still good. The Mac is really loud without earplugs (I usually wear them because I have constant ringing in my ears). I wish that Stevie would sing that recorded part in the middle. She doesnt even try and it cracks me up. Of course Lindsey had to make his Force speech before the song. Say You Will - I just love this song and the way Stevie sings it. She was doing the lasso move and I saw a couple of other people doing it too. I sang this song to my husband. The girl beside me was the best because everytime people would leave she would help me move down so that we ended up in the center for most of the night.
Never Going Back Again - GOD I love Lindsey. This song was perfect and I just love it. I was singing a little too loud and had to force myself to be quiet. I couldnt help but scream constantly though. Making eye contact with Lindsey sure freaks me out though. He is so intense and when he looks at you it is almost too much that at some point you do look away. You cant help it. I think there were some times when he was looking over at me for a good while and I didnt know what to do with myself. I felt like I was 16 again. LOL.
Rhiannon - Stevie changed into her usual Rhiannon wear and looked great. She kicked this songs ASS!! She was dragging the microphone and going crazy. I was screaming "Go Stevie"!! She really worked that song and went all out. This was another song that was so much better than Pittsburgh. They had so much more energy. I loved it. Come - HOLY SHIT, Lindsey is a madman. OMG, I could not believe it. I really needed a cigarette after this song was over. He started it out pointing to some girl in the audience and singing to her (I wish it was me) and he was making hand motions to her like come here and then he was making all kind of crazy sexual hand motions. When he said the word fever he ran his hands down his face and body. That man is the sexiest thing alive. It was too much for me. I was flipping out during this song. I swear the solo was about 5-6 minutes long. I had to hold my ears because he was just going crazy. I thought he was going to jerk off the guitar at one point. And then he was doing the gerbal thing and running around like a mad man. It was so funny!! I wish I had as much energy as he has. The floor stood for this song and everybody was really into it. Of course he had everybody freaking out at the end of the song.
Gypsy - Lindsey took a break for a minute before this song. I dont know how his hands arent completely destroyed. Gypsy was great. Stevie did all the extra parts at the end. Big Love - More hotness from Mr. Lindsey Buckingham himself. This song was so great and he was screaming the grunts at the end. The crazy family in front of me were doing some kind of pogoing thing during this song which was kinda distracting but if you cant sit there and thing that Lindsey is not the guitar god after this one then there is something wrong with you.
Landslide - Of course this song is always great. Stevie stood behind Lindsey and helped play air guitar. I think he kisssed her forehead at the end and they hugged. It was very cute and Stevie milked the Well Maybe part at the end. Everybody loves this one. Say Goodbye - the people that kept coming in and out of the row tried to ruin this song for me. Why do people leave for this song or talk during it? Anyway, Lindsey gave some speech about spontaneaty and they sang it to each other. Stevie seemed kinda sad at the beginning but held it together. At the end I did hear Lindsey say "I could never say goodbye to you." I thought I was hearing things in Pittsburgh when I heard it but not this time. What's the World Coming To - This one started out slow but got faster and better towards then end. Not a bad song but I think there are better ones they could have done from the new cd. Beautiful Child - What can I say about this song? It is so beautiful and sad and lovely. Stevie sang this with so much emotion that you could hear the pain in her voice. She sang the I still love you and need you part at the end. I realy need a boot of this show. She seemed to really go for the high notes tonight. Gold Dust Woman - This song gets better everytime. It was loud and Stevie was really into it. She was twirling and flipping her hair and she went crazy during the Go Home part. I think watching Lindsey go crazy got her riled up cuz I have never seen her move around so much.
I'm So Afraid - Another big highlight of the show. He went crazy again and my husband was wondering if he was going to have a heartattack. HA HA. Lindsey was humping the guitar again and then he had it in between his legs. I thought he was going to have sex with it. He was picking it up and putting it over his head and I kept screaming for him to smash it into pieces. His energy is contagious cuz you cant help but go crazy with him. Silver Springs - SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE DANCE! WOW! Stevie pulled out all the stops on this one. At the end she and Lindsey were both stomping their feet and screaming to each other. It makes the dance peformance look so weak. She sang the "Still I am a fool part" and she was flipping her hair and dragging the mic again. I was in awe on this one.
Tusk - So the band leaves and all of a sudden I see Lindsey signing autographs. My husband is like get up there. So I had to hop over the front row seats which was no easy feat considering that I had on tight low rise jeans. I ran up there and put my ticket up to him and he grabbed mine and some guy next to me and signed them and then gave them back to me. The was the last ones that he signed for that moment. I was going to have him sign my cd but had no time to get it out of my bag. I was freakign out. The mother of the crazy family got mad and said that I pushed her out of the way. I thought she was gonna start swinging. I dont remember pushing anybody. This song was amazing and way longer that I remember it being in Pittsburgh. So its that time when S n L get frisky and Lindsey unplugs his guitar and starts swinging the chord around like a lunatic. Then he tusks the hell out of John who looked like he was enjoying it. He goes after Stevie and puts up his arms and tries to box with her. She was playing her tambo at him and then he grabbed her and they slow danced for a while. It was so sweat. They looked like they were both really enjoying it. After the slow dance Lindsey just hopped around the stage. It was great to see him so happy, Stand Back - I love this song and tonight was the best performance of this song ever. Before the song really started Lindsey was standing there with his guitar and going crazy again. I dont know how he did not break a string. He had the guitar down low and was thrusting it for a good while. Stevie was on the other side of the stage waiting for him to stop. I think she was kinda pissed. I looked over at my husband and was like "Lindsey is fucking the guitar." HA HA. So finally it is Stevie's turn and she was fired up. She tore the roof off the place and must have done about 15 spins. She was jerking herself back and fourth and really gave it her all. I was proud.
Go Your Own Way - Another kick ass performance by man Lindsey. He was still being a maniac and let the people in front of me play the guitar. It sounded like crap but it was all good. He threw a towel to somebody but some guy caught it. Why would a guy want his sweaty towel? World Turning - I love this song but Micks drum thing is way too long. I liked watching Lindsey on the side of the stage. He is too entertaining. Mick's spit was going everywhere and I was glad that I was not at the front at the moment. Security was realy tight and no pictures were allowed to be taken even though you can buy the cameras at the merchandise tables.
Don't Stop - I always say how I could do without this song but tonight it sounds amazing and I am so happy to hear it. The MAC freaking rocks and I am so lucky to have seen them twice so far on this tour. Goodbye Baby - I am usually sad at this moment because I know the show is over but not this time. I am just happy being able to spend another 2 1/2 hours with my favorite band. This song was beautiful as always and you can tell that it means alot to Stevie. I thought she sounded choked up at the beginning but she managed to finish it. At the end she held her head down for a while before they did the usualy bow at the end. Lindsey signed more stuff and then told the last person that he had to go. He waited for Stevie and before they walked off stage and I was left with a wonderful feeling. The mac is back and they freaking kicked my ass!!
So after the show we leave to go to a bar. It was only 10:30 and figured that we would spend the last night in Toronto getting drunk. (Well not to drunk) We went to the Smiling Moose and as soon as I walked in I knew it was going to be a great finish to the most wonderful evening. They were playing Big Love and everybody was singing and having a great time. There were tons of people there from the show and they all had their shirts on. There would never be a place in Pittsburgh where it would be cool to like the mac. (I hate that). So for the rest of the night the DJ kept playing Mac tunes. It was soo great and everybody was just having a blast. Girls were taking off their bras just to hear them. It was too cool. Me and the old guy behind me kept singing to each other. I dont know how long it has been since the Mac has been to Toronto but everybody was just loving them. I was really sad to leave and get back home today. I have come to love this amazing city in just two short days. I think my friends and thier husband are goint to come back up for New Years. On the way out of the hotel I saw a couple of ladies with their FM shirts on and I was reminded of how amazing last night truly was. I will never forget it and now I have my autographed ticket to add to my wall. (I have a frame with all of my concert tickets in them).