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General Music
   content:  Semester Overview   I   Integrated Units: Scary Movies,  Poetry Jam,
My Vision of the Future
   I   Technology in the Classroom   I   Vocabulary
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STUDY GUIDE 1    .    STUDY GUIDE 2 (first six-weeks TEST)

Semester Overview
The Second Semester in general music will include: A comprehensive study of rhythm; Integration of technology through the Music & Media blog, multimedia projects, and the interactive Promethean board (see video below); Composition and performance of original student works with emphasis on notation (writing), reading, form, and expressiveness (dynamics).

Students will explore: Improvisation and syncopation through performance, movement and listening activities;
The Blues
through an integrated unit that includes connections to history, culture, visual and language arts; Connections to other content areas such as math, history, social studies, language arts, visual arts, technology through various integrated units (see examples below); A brief history of Rap and Hip Hop: Origins and Influences - an integrated unit that includes analysis of rap lyrics, discussion of the influences of reggae music and urban environment on the genre, writing original rap lyrics, and participation in a break dancing competition

Students will develop: A global understanding of and appreciation for diversity through analysis of exemplary works from a variety of composers and musical styles; A working music
vocabulary; Confidence and pride in themselves and their work
    Integrated Units
Integrated units incorporate elements of other content areas into the lesson material. Integrated units are designed
to engage all learners - visual, auditory, and tactile/kinesthetic - and effectively address multiple intelligences (visit Howard Gardner's web site for details). The videos, images, and documents below provide examples of the general music integrated units.
top   Scary Movies
Working in small groups, students will create short scary films following a specific sequence of activities:

1. Write a short story with a scary theme
2. Record (read) the stories with a digital audio recorder creating a wav file that will be used as a narration track in the
    finished product - read stories with expression apropriate for the theme
3. Compose and record an original musical score for the film using keyboards, drums, percussion, and non-traditional
    sound sources - experiment with specific musical elements: dissonance, tonality, polyrhythm, dynamics, texture
4. Film the movie in the classroom experimenting with lighting and perspective - considering editing possibilities
    throughout the filming process
5. Photograph images for use in the film - characters, scenes, etc.
6. Edit the film on the computer using video editing software - add all components: narration, music, and footage

EXTENSION: Create a movie poster to promote the film (connection to visual arts) - Students will analyze vintage horror movie posters (e.g. Creature from the Black Lagoon, Frankenstein) and develop ideas for their own film posters

Students will make creative decisions regarding film style, musical score, and the overall look and feel of the film (visual and audio effects); Students will work cooperatively with each other and have opportunities to contribute their personal strengths - writing, speaking, designing, acting, filming, working with computers/software.
    Poor Unfortunate Souls  
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Nightmare at Camp Crystal Lake
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Freak Night
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Ridgeway Drama
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Poetry Jam
Working in small groups, students will create a video of their poetry following a specific sequence of activities:

1. Write a poem about music: its meaning and importance in your life
2. Practice reading the poems exploring rhythmic and expressive possibilities
3. Experiment with lighting and perspective - considering editing possibilities throughout the filming process
4. Record (read) the poems using a video camera (or a digital audio recorder) effectively communicating with the
    "audience" (making eye contact, speaking with articulation and confidence)
5. Compose and record an original musical score for the film in a classroom drum ensemble - students will take turns
    beginning the different short pieces: selecting the tempo, improvising rhythm patterns and ostinatos, and soloing
6. Photograph images for use in the film
7. Edit the film on the computer using video editing software - add all components: footage, music, and still images

EXTENSION: Create a poetry poster (connection to visual arts) - Students will research and analyze poetry art and develop ideas for their own poetry posters

Students will make creative decisions regarding their poems, musical score, and the overall look and feel of the film (visual and audio effects); Students will work cooperatively throughout the filming process assisting and coaching each other; Students will develop communication skills and gain confidence in their work through the reading of their poetry
in front of the camera and the class.
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    My Vision of the Future
Thoughts, writings, illustrations, and music created by students based on their individual "visions" of the future
Curriculum connections and lesson plans included in video
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    Technology in the Classroom
Students are fortunate to have technology such as digital audio recorders, digital video cameras, computers with editing software and Internet access available to them in the general music classroom. Our new interactive Promethean board has given us a resource with tremendous possibilities in terms of lesson presentation, lesson review, and student engagement. The video below shows seventh grade students engaged in a review activity after only two weeks with the board.
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Terms applied to analysis, performance, and composition
Take the Music Vocabulary Quiz
Vocabulary Matching
Printable Study Guide

bar line


  Activities and Standards
coming soon
