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Flying Eagle
Flying Eagle

Dwingloo 1
Galaxy Dwingloo 1:
Newly Found Neighbor on the Far Side of the Milky Way

"As man draws nearer to the stars,
why should he not also draw nearer to his neighbor?"
--Lyndon B. Johnson

Journey to the Past

Who, if I cried, would hear me among the Angelic
Orders? And even if one of them suddenly
pressed me against his heart, I should fade in the strength of his
stronger existence. For Beauty's nothing
but the beginning of Terror we're still just able to bear,
and why we adore it so is because it serenely
disdains to destroy us. Each single angel is terrible.
And so I keep down my heart, and swallow the call-note
of depth-dark sobbing. Alas, who is there
we can make use of? Not angels, not men;
and already the knowing brutes are aware
that we don't feel very securely at home
within our interpreted world. There remains, perhaps,
some tree on a slope, to be looked at day after day,
there remains for us yesterday's walk and the cupboard-love loyalty
of a habit that liked us and stayed and never gave notice.
Oh, and there's Night, there's Night, when wind full of cosmic space
feeds on our faces: for whom would she not remain,
longed for, mild disenchantress, painfully there
for the lonely heart to achieve? Is she lighter for her lovers?
Alas, with each other they only conceal their lot!
Don't you know yet?—Fling the emptiness out of your arms
into the spaces we breathe—maybe that the birds
will feel the extended air in more intimate flight. First Elegy, R.M.Rilke

Conviction Of The Heart

2001: A Space Odessey

Homeland Index

Journey To The Past
From Anastasia, WEA Atlantic, 1997
Available at Amazon

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