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"...sing the heart, born into the whole."

"Are you presenting yourself as an example?
Can we fill ourselves up like the roses,
by multiplying our own subtle matter,
which we had nothing to do with creating?

Being a rose
is not work, so they say.
God, by looking out a window,
creates the home."

Les Chansons des Roses


Abandon entouré d'abandon,
tendresse touchant aux tendresses...
C'est ton intérieur qui sans cesse
se caresse, dirait-on;

se caresse en soi-même,
par son propre reflet éclairé.
Ainsi tu inventes le thème
du Narcisse exaucé.

The Songs of Roses

So They Say

Abandonment surrounded by abandonment,
tenderness touching with tenderness...
It is your interior which unceasingly cherishes
itself, so they say;

cherishes itself in oneself,
by its own enlightened reflection.
Thus you invent the theme
of the fulfilled Narcissus.

"You were rich enough to be yourself
a hundred times in just one flower."

"Though the reflection in the pool
often swims before our eyes:
Know the image.

Only in the dual realm
do voices become
eternal and mild."

"Transform stamen on stamen,
fill your interior rose."

"O, what her teacher taught her, the many things,

and what stands printed in roots and long

difficult stems: she sings it, she sings!"

"Rose, oh reiner Widerspruch, Lust,

Niemandes Schlaf zu sein unter soviel


"Rose, oh the pure contradiction, delight

in being no one's sleep under so much


Epitaph of Rainer Maria Rilke

So They Say

You'll Never Walk Alone

Homeland Index

Rilke's Poetry Set to Music by Morten Lauridsen, 1993
Los Angeles Master Chorale and Sinfonia Orchestra
M. Lauridsen: Choral Works, Lux Aeterna, RCM, 1998
Available at: Amazon

The Songs of Roses and Quotes from the Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke
Books by and about Rilke can be obtained from Barnes and Noble

Roses in Champagne Glass by Edouard Manet

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