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To My Guardian Angel, In Honor of Your Youngest Child,
Your Celebration of Life

"Is it possible to believe
one could have a God
without using Him?"


"Reach for the stars."

"Back from the stars, all full of inward flight."

" is Being."

"Look, lives like these go on beneath our living."

"...make shift at breathing below."

"You have not grown old and it is not too late
to dive into your increasing depths
where life calmly gives out its own secret."

"And the future will be nothing less than the flowering of our inwardness."

"We are set down in life
as in the element
to which we best correspond."

"...let life happen to you.
Believe me: life is right, in any case."

"Oh God, whom the child so easily obtained."

"When childhood almost defeated us with endless existence..."

"Let no one tell me that I do not care for the present,


as I do within it."

To The Morning

To Where You Are

Homeland Index

To The Morning
From Homefree by Dan Fogelberg, Sony/Columbia, 1973
Available at Amazon

Quotes from Rainer Maria Rilke

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