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  Homeland Homeland Homeland  

In Memory of All Victims of Hatred & Terrorism and in Honor of
the Enduring American Spirit of Liberty, Unity, Equality, & Justice

Statue of Liberty and Remains of the World Trade Center, September 11, 2001

Statue of Liberty and Remains of World Trade Center, September 11, 2001

Washington, D.C. Vigil, September 12, 2001

Washington, D.C. Vigil, September 12, 2001

Muslim American Vigil, 9-12-2001

Muslim American Vigil, 9-12-2001

Candlelight Vigil, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, 9-12-2001

Candlelight Vigil, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, 9-12-2001

Candlelight Vigil, US Capitol, 9-12-2001

Candlelight Vigil, US Capitol, 9-12-2001

Manhattan, September 12, 2001

Manhattan, September 16, 2001

Time Magazine, 9-17-2001

Time Magazine, September 17, 2001

"Shoulder to Shoulder"

Blair and Bush

Palace Guard          American

American National Anthem Played at Buckingham Palace

Blair in Congress

PM Tony Blair in Congress, with (from left) Homeland Security Chief Tom Ridge,
First Lady Laura Bush, NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani, & NY State Governor George Pataki

Homeland Chiefs

With Deepest Gratitude to Our Closest Friends

<BGSOUND SRC="ThePrayer.mp3">

The Prayer

Always in Our Thoughts and Prayers:
Our Hearts Go Out to the Victims, the Rescuers, and
All of Their Loved Ones

Stand United for Freedom and Democracy;
Provide Your Assistance:
American Red Cross
American Liberty Partnership
United Nations
Online Intelligence Project
Attacks in U.S.: News and Resources
Light a Memorial Candle


Only Time


Homeland Index

The Prayer
Performed by Charlotte Church and Josh Groban, Enchantment, Sony/Columbia, 2001
Available at Amazon

Only Time
From A Day Without Rain by Enya, Available at Amazon

Photos from the Associated Press and Reuters, USA, 2001,
Available at Yahoo News

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