Next for what seemed to be no logical reason discussions turned to Seymour’s glasses, and specifically whether they suited him or not and also why we hadn’t seen him with glasses before. After much debate we decide that he looks better without. We wondered why he didn’t wear glasses before and It turns out that he couldn’t afford glasses for 2 years and was virtually blind! One of the many completely random and drunken conversation we had.
Are you playing at any festivals this summer?
S: Only teeny tiny ones that nobody cares about.
Why don’t you play at the Willow Festival? You know you want to!
S: Yeah we will if they will have us. Actually, we were going to last year but we had a gig which clashed with it.
So are you going to play at the Willow festival then?
S: YES!! (but somehow we think they won’t)
What has been your most surreal moment?
S: I don’t know they kinda pass you by.
G: Urrr... meeting John Peel, being in NME...
Do you like Tic? By the way Gish, the resembelence between you and Joe, Tic's bongo player, is uncanny!
G: Oh right. Thanks.
S: Yeah, we’ve seen them a couple of times. They used to have this crazy dancer guy didn't they? They are fucking wicked, yeah. We played with them at the ‘Man on the Moon’ in Cambridge, and then we invited them to play in Bury, and the sound was the absolute worst imaginable but they still wiped the floor of the place!!!!
Do you like Peterborough? (a favourite hOOchy question – probably due to a complete lack of imagination)
S: It’s okay, but I don’t like the way that the homeless people are treated here. Specifically the way the councillors don’t like the homeless people on the streets selling the big issue on the grounds that they look a bit dirty and out of place, and they think that they are all smack heads, with really bad drug habits, and this is when this is the only national incentive to help homeless people. It’s the whole Tory thing – You know, if you don’t like something you can try to ignore it. They dont seem to care that it is helping loads of people.
G: yeah, there are no other work incentives at all in this country.
S: Fucking Tory Cunts!!!
Now everyone who sees a Big Issue seller thinks he is a smack head, which is a shame because the Big Issue is great because it raises the profile of homeless people. It makes you connect with somebody who you would normally just walk past and ignore. But, some cunt decides it’s not really a very good idea and not very good for the town, and that it doesn’t fit in really with the cathedral!
G: ....and they don’t wash their hair!
How do you think the human race will evolve?
S: We won’t evolve. I really hope that we wipe ourselves out! We will wipe out the human race! If we carry on the way that we are, ignoring every single problem that we have.
Who annoys you most in the band?
S: This fucker over here (point at Gish!)
G: What? Why me?
S: Well it’s all to do with the way that you interact, the clothes that you wear, and there are smells involved too!!!!! There are smells within a band!
eurrgh… not sure we want to know about this, thanks all the same!
Who is the smelliest member then?
G: Neil!
Okay, we’ll remember to avoid him!
Do you have a tourbus?
S: yeah, we have a bus of sorts! With loads of crisp packets on the floor, but if it has to be red then no!!
Completely random question, what do you think of Hundred Reasons?
S: Well they’re just rubbish, there is no quality in success, they're nothing to be proud of.
(this answer was in no way influenced by us!!!)
Musically, do you think you can make a difference?
S: I don’t know. You have to get with it and be realistic. It’s not the 90’s and pop is fickle. We’re only a band so we don’t make a blind bit of difference.
But some bands do make a difference, even these days, when many would argue that rock and roll is dead.
S: I don’t think that a band can be that powerful anymore. We have had too long of political opinions being a selling point. It’s got to the point where you can’t say the word corporate without sounding like a wanker, and you can’t say capitalism without sounding like a hippy, so everything has become so watered down. It’s all become one big sell out. There is no impact in the popular thinking anymore. People don’t listen either. Maybe I’m just bitter about it. I sympathise, and that’s what’s happened. We get asked about our political views and awful lot less than about where the band is from and how old we are, and where we got our hair cut last week. What matters to me is saying HOW FUCKED UP EVERTHING IS, AND FUCKING PAY ATTENTION. THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT OF THE BAND FOR ME!! People have to wake up, and realise how important you can be, because if you don’t do something about it right now, you will never EVER have the chance to do something about it again. There does come a point where it is too late, and that’s where you give up. I come from a family of failures and I’m sick of seeing people fail. I WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!! (oh what a hero! He’s so sexy when he gets angry!)
Right, now it’s time for the round we have imaginatively titled ‘American English’. We give you American words and you see if you know what the English equivalent is. (It’s all part of our plan to find out how American you are, we know your not, but you’ve got the word ‘American’ in your name and that’s good enough for us!)
Something you hang your clothes on to dry?
Nope, its a roundabout - the kind in childrens playgrounds, not the kind in roads!
Eugh, no, it means bum or bottom
Nope, it means shoelace
Movie Theatre
Fanny Pack
Bum Bag
yep, wow, we didnt think you would get that one
Hard Candy
No, it means bolied sweets - although it probably does mean cocaine in the American ghettos!!
Gas Station
Petrol Station
Well done, you did better than you were supposed to. We're impressed! Give yourself a pat on the back!