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Without You I'm Nothing

Shoddy Roddy. Roddy who? Dunno. Used to be in a band didn’t he? Used to like them quite a lot. Not sure anymore.

‘You’ve lost your way’. Well, we certainly have. Sit comfortably we feel a long, painful, rambling rant coming along. It’s gonna hurt, but not as much as it hurt us.

Sometimes, under certain situations, it becomes all too clear that some things can’t simply be put into words. They appear have an almost ineffable quality to them. You know, the type of things which manage to stir up your emotions so much, that all judgement is subsequently clouded. You’re so annoyed you can’t think straight let alone write straight. No words do justice to the way you are feeling. Right? Are you with us?

Perhaps this is due to the limitations inherent in the language at your disposal. Alternatively, a realisation that perhaps no one will ever fully understand what you are trying however incompetently to say, meaning that no amount of tireless expression will ever seem to be enough to put across exactly what you are feeling. (take a breath). Leaving you feeling frustrated and as though it was all fruitless in the end. Hence, if this makes no sense to you then that’s fair enough – but understand that it is 3 in the morning and give us some credit at least! All the same an attempt will be made to enlighten you. There will be no sleep until we have exercised this demon and made at least some peace (that is, at least, with ourselves).

We think too much. This is so deep and philosophical, and actually not very relevant.

Hey, this is beginning to sound like an essay!
Christ, sometimes I think we should be philosophers

‘4 People do good’. Apparently. Do they?

We went to a gig today, but it wasn’t any old gig, oh no, because the gig that we went to was a gig of a band that we happen to really bloody love (loved) and admire (admired). To give you an idea of how important this gig was you need to understand how we grade our gigs. Firstly, there are the gigs that we will go to on a Thursday night in Peterborough (usually the Club With No Name) because it’s local and you can hang out with friends. The matter of who the band are usually tends to be irrelevant because we would probably be just as likely to go if it was an Abba tribute band or if it was Green Day ( or some other exclusive stadium filling band – n.b this type of band would never realistically play at the CWNN, but this is just to aid making the point). The second type of gig is the type of gig you get moderately excited about. For example, the rare occasions when really great band plays in Peterborough. This is the type of band that although you like them a great deal, you don’t like them enough to travel further afield to see them. Now the mother of all gigs is the one where you practically worship the band and will travel anywhere to see them because they have managed to have such an influence on you that no expense is spared. Well that was the gig tonight. The band was Idlewild (if you haven’t already guessed)

‘close the door’ Fine be like that.

Now at this moment you are probably sat there reading this pondering to yourself that this isn’t a rant, and you would be right, we haven’t even made a decent point yet. But we're so annoyed we don’t know where to start and we don’t want to play down exactly how incensed we aree. Our day started well. We were so excited. Couldn’t sleep last night. Spent ages getting ready, spent ages looking forward to the gig. Was really looking forward to seeing the band after such a long time not seeing them – and looking forward to hearing the new material. Had a laugh on the train journey, messed around a bit, took some cool photos and such like. Even the taxi driver was nice to us – It was sweet.

Got to the venue. Everything was cool. Even managed to have a quick photo with Bob. Sorted. Was happy to say the least. Then later we saw Roddy walking in our direction. We thought it’s now or never so extremely politely asked him if it would be possible for us to have a photo. He completely ignored and disregarded us and said ‘No, I’m with the band’ – yeah tell us something we don’t know. Sorry Roddy but we’re not in the habit of asking random people for photos. Although perhaps in the future when we are desperate we will consider it.

Now most people would just shrug their shoulders and say well that’s fine. Maybe he was in a rush. They wouldn’t get so affected by it. But Roddy didn’t seem to understand how much he meant to us. He was only the inspiration behind this website – and one of our biggest hero’s of all time – that’s all!!!! This really is no understatement. And he wasn’t in a rush. He couldn’t have been. Ikara Colt had only just started their set and all he did was go backstage to watch them - we saw him. It's not even asthough if he had stopped to have his photo taken with us hundreds of other people would have wanted to as well 'cos we were standing by the backstage entrance away from the others. In all honesty what it really was, was an expression of his complete indifference and coldness towards his fans.

And that was it. That was the culmination of years of Idlewild worshipping. Roddy wasn’t prepared to spare what would have literally been 5 seconds of his ‘precious’ time for us even when it would have cost him so little but would have been so priceless to us. And that is after we have religiously bought all his albums, numerous singles and been an avid gig goer!! But I guess we just weren’t important enough for him. Hope may be important it seems, but not his fans.

A bit more humility really wouldn’t go amiss, Roddy. It would serve you well to remember that it is your fans who define you and have put you where you are. Without them you really are nothing. Just remember it wasn’t so long ago that you were nothing and we all end up as nothing in the end so you might as well treat others with a little more respect. We weren’t intending on kidnapping you (well, not at first!), forcing you into depraved activitied and forcing you to marry us. We wouldn’t know where to start!!! All we wanted was picture. Is that too much to ask? Obviously, it was. We always had the impression that you would be such a friendly person – but now just feel disillusioned. We’re not groupies, and we happen to actually bloody care about music. You probably thought we were just two pathetic 17 year old nobodies. Well we’re not 17 and we happen to be perhaps two of the most passionate music lovers you could ever ‘meet’ had you not been so up yourself. Otherwise why would we bother spending so much of our time reviewing all these demos from bands we don’t even know and have never seen before. We don’t get paid for it – we do it because we care. Our love of music isn’t a fad or a phase, it’s a constant, and makes us who we our.

One last point. You are such a hypocrite. You and your ‘support your local poet’ dribble! Shame you won’t support this one.

Note to roddy – There’s nothing dark about it, actually it’s rudeness. That’s all. Without us, your fans, your nothing.

‘The remote part’ eh? Yeah. you said it. There isn’t even a remote chance that we will buy it and that’s one thing for sure.

So there.