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Welcome to Ira Losco's unofficial site

Contents Page

About Ira




Any photographs found on this site have been obtained from other sources and have been duly credited.  I have assumed that all these belong to the public domain, however, if any rightful owner does not want his/her work on this site, please email me and it will be taken off the site as soon as possible.  If anyone wants to use any of this work for other sites, please, credit the owner accordingly.  This is not an official site.  The information has not been verified by Ira herself so I cannot claim 100% accuracy.  However, great care has been taken to be very close to that. Also, the list of upcoming events is probably not complete.  I also reserve the right to not show any messages left in the guest book which contain personal information about Ira which she never disclosed herself to public.  Such messages will not be deleted but will be kept private.  


The information in this site is covered by copyright.  No part of it can be reproduced in any form without prior written consent of the author.


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