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Hi, this is Louis Kobra. I was sitting in my Manhattan apartment on September 11 watching television when the news started to unravel about the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. I stepped outside and could see the smoke coming off the towers.


I have gone through many different emotions since then and can't talk about the way I now feel very well. Nonetheless, the most important thing Americans can do at this point is to invoke our great tradition of rugged individualism and try hard to think for ourselves about what's going on.


Although I have always admired Mahatma Gandhi and Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., I don't believe that nonviolence is a solution for all situations. People motivated by hate evolve into monsters who may still be human beings, but a reminder to us all of how remarkably flawed our race is.


The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were the two front teeth of a broad Manhattan smile. Whoever the terrorists were, they snuck up on us and knocked those teeth out. Ya, it hurts. Ya, we can't ever smile the same way again. But in the long run, those teeth can be replaced and we ought to feel lucky we weren't injured more profoundly.


In the meantime, you are listening to Sucker Punch, my own personal response to what has happened. Whoever hit us could only get one in while we weren't looking.  

On October 13, Sucker Punch was played on a special edition of the radio show Kalvos & Damian's New Music Bazaar in memory of the victims of the 9/11 tragedy.