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My mind did reminscence to Easter Sundays past,
as I was painting this picture.

Sunrise service at the park at 7 a.m.
Dressed up in our Easter attire by 10 a.m..
Atop our heads a brightly colored Easter bonnet.
Pinning on the corsage made of our favorite flowers
that Daddy always ordered for Mama and me to wear
to church as we celebrated Christ's arising.

The scent of freshly baked ham flowing
from the kitchen upon our arrival home.
As children we were full of excitement as
we anticipated the Easter egg hunt.
Colored eggs tucked away for us to find.
A chocolate bunny centered in our Easter baskets.

The Easter stroll with my friends in the mid-afternoon.
All dressed up in our Easter clothes we would
walk through our small town and the park.
Our annual Easter Parade.


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Megys Index


Page dedicated to my family