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21st October 1965, Rave Magazine

Here's the CRAZY LACY look

One, two, which is you? They're both so crazy with-it! How do you choose? "Patti," on the left, has six decorative gilt buttons and an Eton lace collar; but then, dig that way-out bow tie on "Liz". Toss for it, you'll find you've got a double header!
These two lace-lively dresses are in cuddly warm brushed rayon afghalaine. Soft and caressable as pure lambswool, yet so, so practical - fully washable and crease-shedding too. Both these crazy lacy A-line dresses are available in five terrific colours:- Autumn Gold, Light Brown (both as illustrated) Kingfisher Blue, Red and Royal Blue.

This great offer comes to you complete with easy step-by-step fully illustrated sewing instructions, zips, buttons, lace trimmings, bow, all neccesary interfacings and a generous 1" seam allowance, plus free postage and packing. You can run your outfit up in an evening - it's completely cut-out and ready to sew. All you need is a reel of cotton!

NEAT OFFER. Simply fill in the coupon with BLOCK CAPITALS in ink, and send a crossed postal order or cheque for the correct amount to:- De Trevi, Neat Offer, 30 Hanway Street, London, W.1. Cheques and postal orders should be crossed and made payable to De Trevi. Please write your name and address on the back of all cheques and mark the envelope "Patti", "Liz" or both, according to the garments ordered. This offer is only available in the U.K. Closing date: 15th November, 1965.

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