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November 1969, UK Vogue Magazine

ballet costume furs:

Pas de deux from a winter ballet - costumes, perhaps, by Bakst. The first part of a costume designer's look in one of the new fur-and-leather coats in fuschia or apricot, indigo or greengage, worn with crushed velvet, patchwork snake, silver buttons and beads with pom poms.

Saffron calf with high waist edged in deep ranch mink. Dried apricot trousers, liquid in crushed velvet. Buttercup shoes, 12 gns, from Shoosissima. Skullcap 30s, at Donald Davies, wrapped in embroidered navy chiffon, to order at Savita. DANCE OF THE FUSCHIA FOX AND THE APRICOT CALF
Raspberry calf wrapped in fuschia Artic fox, bound in narrow leather and buttoned in silver. Both coats, 320 gns each, from Furs Renee. Crushed velvet trousers, both pages, 5 gns, from Emmerton Lambert in the Chelsea Antique Market. Beaded and tasselled pom pon belts wrapping up a blue chiffon turban, from a selection at Savita. Knee-length patchwork snakeskin boots, 40 gns, to order, from The Chelsea Cobbler. Lips painted with clear Cocoaberry stain, by Estee Lauder.

Photos by Barry Lategan.

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