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UK Vanity Fair, October 1965

collector's item

Something excitingly different for
you this month - something we feel
will answer innumerable purposes.
A pretty top designed exclusively
for us by Bernat Klein in a silk and
wool yarn, 6s. an oz. We show it
here worn as for evening, but it
would look equally attractive worn
with a short skirt or under a simple
suit - it would be a knock-out with
slacks too! Knitted in stocking
stitch, it is close fitting, buttons to
the neck and is delicately edged in
crochet. The tie belt is optional. Full
knitting instructions, together with
details of the yarn used are on page
140. The long, slim skirt is made in
Bernat Klein silk/wool worsted at
60s per yard, 56in wide, which they
have specially woven to blend
subtly with the yarn used for the
shirt. The skirt is softly gathered at
the waist with a vent up the back
for ease of movement. It is made
from Simplicity Jiffy pattern 5651,
which you could run up in an

MATERIALS: 7 (8) (8) (9) oz. Bernat Klein silk and wool yarn No. 11 (we used colour Peking). 1 pair No. 11 knitting needles; 1 pair No. 20 knitting needles; 1 No. 8 crochet hook; 19 small buttons.

MEASUREMENTS: To fit bust sizes 34 (36) (38) (40); length, 21 1/2 (21 3/4) (22) (22 1/2) inches.

TENSION: 8 sts. and 10 rows to 1 inch on No. 10 knitting needles.

ABBREVIATIONS: L., knit; P., purl; st(s)., stitch(es); s.s., stocking stitch; beg., beginning; dec., decrease; inc., increase; rem., remaining; alt., alternate; foll., following; in(s)., inch(es).


Using No. 10 needles cast on 144 (152) (160) (168) sts. and work in s.s. until back measures 14 ins. from beg. ending with a P. row. Shape Armhole: Cast off 5 (6) (7) (8) sts. at beg. of next 2 rows. Cast off 2 sts. at beg. of next 8 rows. Dec. 1 st. each end of next and every following alt. row until there are 104 (106) (108) (110) sts. left. Work straight until armhole measures 7 (7 1/4) (7 1/2) (7 3/4) ins. from beg. measured on straight, ending with a P. row. Shape Shoulder: Cast off at beg. of next 8 rows as follows: 7 (8) (8) (8) sts. twice, 7 (7) (8) (8) sts. twice, 7 (7) (7) (8) sts. twice, 7 (7) (7) (7) sts. twice. cast off rem. 48 sts.

Using No. 10 needles cast on 77 (81) (85) (89) sts. and work in s.s. slipping the 9th stitch purlwise from front edge on all purl rows. Work straight until front measures 14 ins. from beg. ending at side edge. Shape Armhole: Cast off 5 (6) (7) (8) sts. at beg. of next row. Work 1 row. Cast off 2 sts. at beg. of next and foll. three alt. rows. Work 1 row. Then dec. 1 st. at beg. of next and every foll. alt. row until there are 57 (58) (59) (60) sts. Work straight until armhole measures 6 (6 1/4) (6 1/2) (6 3/4) ins. from beg. measured on straight and ending at front edge. Shape Neck: Cast off 17 sts. at beg. of next row. Work 1 row. Cast off at beg. of next and every foll. alt. row: 3 sts. once, 2 sts. twice, and 1 st. once 32 (33) (34) (35) sts. Continue to dec. 1 st. at neck edge on the foll. four alt. rows and at the same time shape shoulder. Shape shoulder: Cast off at armhole edge on next and the foll. 3 alt. rows: 7 (8) (8) (8) sts. once, 7 (7) (8) (8) sts. once, 7 (7) (7) (8) sts. once and 7 (7) (7) (7) sts. once. Fasten off. Mark positions with pins of 19 buttons, with first 1/2 inch up from bottom and 19th 1/2 inch down from top, and the other 17 equally spaced between.

Work as left front reversing all shapings. Work double buttonholes to match button positions as follows: Work 3, cast off 2, work 7, cast off 2, work to end. Cast on 2 sts. on next row over the two lots of cast off sts. on previous row.

Using No. 10 needles cast on 90 sts. and work in s.s. for 2 ins. ending with a P. row. 1st row: K 1 inc. in next st. Work to last 2 sts. inc. 1 in next st. K. 1. Work three rows. Repeat last four rows until there are 102 sts. Work 1 row. Cast off 14 sts. at beg. of next 6 rows. Cast off rem. 18 sts.

Press pieces carefully. Turn in front borders and slip stitch. Join shoulder and side seams with firm back st. Sew on collar. Split off two strands of silk and buttonhole stitch around buttonholes and sew on buttons. Work a picot edging all around hem, armholes and collar: Work 1 row in double crochet. Next row: - 1 d.c. into d.c. of previous row, miss 1, 1 d.c. into next d.c., 3 chain then 1 d.c. into same d.c. last worked; rep. from * to end.

using No. 11 needles cast on 9 sts. and work in K. 1. P. 1. rib for 43 ins. Cast off.

If anyone has a go at knitting this pattern, please let me know - either by email or by signing the guestbook - how you got on.

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