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Teaching your dog the sit command can be fun and very useful.


Try and find a time and place where there are little or no distractions for you dog. Grab some cookies, a leash and get ready to have some fun.

When training your dog for any command or trick, you need to make fun for him, like a game.

Lets begin,

Show your dog the cookie and say, "(dogs name) Sit" your voice should sound happy and high pitched.

If the dog obeys reward him, if not, say it again this time lifting slightly the leash and putting a little pressure on the backside. Once he is in position reward him. Do this a few more times, if he seem disinterested, stop and pick it up again later. Depending on your dogs age, don't spend more than 5 to 10 minutes training.

Once the training is done play with him throw a ball or give him pets and love. This will allow him to associate training with good feelings.

Remember, not all dogs are easily trained, some are more stubborn than others, so be patient and always reward with treats or love when a task is accomplished.

Teaching your dog to sit can help calm him when other dogs are around, or if people greet you on a walk, you'll have a calmer more pleasant dog. Try getting your dog to sit before his meals, you'll get the bowl knocked out of your hand a lot less, and your dog will respect you more.

Questions? Comments? E-Mail me, I'd love to hear from you.

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