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Ever our mentor we are very proud of our mother,
who at the age of 86 continues to provide an example
and blessing to all the lives she touches.

Active in the church, serving wherever needed.
She also makes layettes for new mothers and
provides the hosptial in her community
with crochet and knitted hats for newborns.

We Love You MOM

Bob and Kathy
Kathie and Dave
Dorothy and Wally
Peggy and Phil
Terry and Helen
Clarice and Bill

And all the grandchilden and their wives and husbands...
All the grandchildren and
the greatgrandchildren
and all the others who call you MOM and GRANDMA

"There are two ways of spreading light to be
the candle or the mirror that reflects it."
Edith Wharton

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We are all born for love.
It is the principle of existence, and it only end.
by Benjamin Disraeli

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Music  The Irish Girl by Bruce Deboer

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