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The Christmas Bear

When they first beheld his snowy fur,
t'was on a Christmas day.
The Christmas Bear was soon a part
of all the children's play.
They brushed his fur and dressed him up,
he rode in buggies and sleds.
When nighttime came to sleepy babes,
Bear snuggled with them in their beds.
The years went by, the children grew up,
but he was always there.
That lovable, cuddly fellow,
who was known as the Christmas Bear.
Bear went off with them to college,
he enjoyed life in the dorm.
Enthroned amid the pillows and books,
he made them feel all cozy and warm.
In later years Bear was stored away,
in a trunk filled with Christmas stuff.
And once a year they brought him out,
giving his worn fur another fluff.
One year, the house filled with sounds of old,
of children laughing at play!
A voice said, "Children, come open this trunk,
there's someone special you must meet today!"
The children opened the Christmas trunk,
and there - for a new generation to share.
Was that lovable, cuddly fellow,
who was known as Christmas Bear!
        ©Janet Kruskamp

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