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Life Happens When We Are Planning Our Tomorrows

If we could look into the future
What we would see are so many times
We let slip by because we were planning our tomorrows

The smiles on our little ones faces
When they made a first step,
A first word,
A first ride on a tricyle
or bike,
Or swimming in a pool
The lick of a dog on their faces
Their first track meet or football game
All their firsts were gone

While we were planning our tomarrows
Our little ones grew up and had babies of their own
Our fathers and mothers passed away or live in loneliness
Others suffer poverty and illness and we passed them by
Without so much as a glance

If we could look into the future what would we see?

When we are all alone
We will remember what we were doing
When life happened while we were planning our tomorrows

My vision from above,given to me by my Holy Father is to live today
Taking in all the precious moments

©2004 Kat
All rights reserved

The painting used to create this set is called
"Daughter of the Deep" by  Josephine Wall ©.
Used with permission.

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