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To the States

Yet The biggest change and challenge of his life so far has to be Adrian's acceptance of a call to be Pastor of Fayetteville Presbyterian Church in West Virginia (USA).

Even this had musical repurcussions. Shortly before leaving Wales, Adrian had been invited by the Mission Board of the Presbyterian Church to put together a gospel presentation for use with youth. He revamped an idea he had used in college days, which eventually became a production called "Picture a Love"

Taken on by the local Presbytery, a team of youth and adults, collectively known as "Actuality" took it on tour throughout Wales. They then had the idea of taking it to where Adrian was now the minister, and it ended up being on the road in West Virginia!

Adrian continues to be musically active in his new home.. Leading music at youth events and retreats, trying to master digital recording on a computer with a tendancy to crash, and still writing the occasional

Did he really teach the Beatles everything they knew and single handedly launch the 80's Synth Pop explosion?

No way. But he did once dance with Paul McCartney's step-sister at a party on the Wirral, and he did once loan his first ever SH1000 synthesiser to some people who became an 80's influential synth band called 'Orchestral Manouveres in the Dark'.

As for "hovering on the borders of insanity and genius", well … you'd have to get to know him better to make that sort of call.

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