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A unique feature of the area was the acceptance of groups who were attempting original material, rather than churning out cover versions of chart hits. In church and community halls across the area local rock musicians got the chance to do their own thing.

The advent of new and available technology, particularly synthesisers and increasingly sophisticated guitar effects units meant that traditional musical skills weren't always the bottom line.  More essential was being able to improvise with the skills that you had and whatever equipment you could get your hands on.

That's not to say that musical skills were depreciated or that loud guitars, thrashing drums and pyrotechnics didn't hold sway, simply that the music scene at that time was an eclectic mix of numerous different influences.

In that particular musical environment , Adrian later flexed his musical muscles and along with numerous, forgotten souls, created a scene that was pretty unique.

He had to start out just like everybody else,  plagarising hits of the day, posing before the mirror,doing most anything to sound like he could hold a tune.  Those first bands were little more than him and his teenage mates hanging out together and discovering playing music was a blast.



The local church youth club at Moreton Presbyterian Church provided not only musical playmates but a ready venue and appreciative audience.  It was there that he first performed to anybody and dared to share his compositions with a wider group than his mates.

One of those first musical amalgamations become known as "Eric" after Adrian's already mentioned guitar. How did they sound?  In retrospect  pretty darn abysmal! But everybody starts somewhere.  And all over the area others were starting in similar ways. 

News amongst teens spreads through complicated networks, but eventually somebody hears of someone else (maybe through someonelses girlfriend that met somebody at a party she'd been invited to by somebody's sister they met at school)  - that so and so plays guitar - and is pretty cool - maybe we could join his band - or he could join our band - and so it goes!

(Click the green splodge to carry on the journey - or the dinosaur to learn more about Eric)

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Moreton Presbyterian Church

(and some of  the youth fellowship) where 'Eric' played and hung out together

The local music scene on  the tip of Wirral (an area from Wallasey across to West Kirby) was a ferment of musical creativity throughout the seventies.  Bands sprung up over night and disappeared just as quickly.