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The Scrap

( Adrian Pratt & Paul Maylor)

See there on the hill

A little piggy standing still

If he's still then he's alive

Because keeping still's the only way he can survive.

He's a little piggy on a plastic stand

The sort of little piggy you find in a band

Don't let this piggy lead you astray

Because this little piggies only plastic anyway.

See there on the hill

Terry the tortoise is feeling ill

He's vomiting and coughing like a bat out of hell

Surely this tortoise can't be well

If he could find a doctor it would do no good

Because this tortoise is only made of wood

Pig stares at tortoise with an air of distaste

Tortoise maker hasn't carved in tortoise face.

(guitar solo)

See there on the hill

Terry hits piggy on the bill

Piggy says, "That's not nice"

So the tortoise does it twice

He stabs the pig with a rather sharp blade

And conks him on the brain with an enourmous spade

Pig smacks tortoise on the head

So both the animals end up dead

(Dum dum dee dum

Dum dee dum dee dum be dum)

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