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1)  Bison

2)  Chris Fagin

3)  Prezzo

4)  Dave

5)  Undeez

6)  Henri

7)  Alf Garner

8)  Ad,s arms

9)  Timmy

10) A drummer

11) Sala's arm (suspected)

The Caption from this picture out of the Wallasey News read;

"More than 100 teenagers attended the pop concert organised by members of  Moreton Presbyterian Church youth Club last week.  It was in aid of the Bangladesh Relief Fund and more than £26 was raised. Some of the entertainers and organisers are seen here in the church hall."

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From left to right:  Chris Fagin, Ian Garner, Bison,  Dave Maylor, Henri, Paul Maylor

(Thanks Chris for the pic!)

Another pic from the same concert