GoOd TiMeS, NoOdLe SaLaD

And so the night started off seemingly normal...
That would be Chris looking at God knows what in my room.

And then odd things started to happen...
That's Caitlin joining the party.

You could just see something sparking in those eyes...

There's a demented little monkey on my bed...

chris, katy, jon
The weird started to roll in. Or around in this instance...
That would be Katy, Jon, and Chris.

He slowly started to scare people away with his
antics i think...

chris, jon
So then he just went to them instead...

chris, jon2
Have I ever mentioned that they used to date?
This must have been Chris' unsuccessful attempts
at returning his lost love to him...

The rest of us could do nothing but avert our eyes or
pretend like nothing was happening. Well, apparently
I had no problem watching in this photo...

Apparently Chris thought that when we mentioned
that Jon was a lucky guy he believed we must have
felt left out.

Careful. He might just come for you next...

KrAzY Pics