Fun Quizes for All!

You are a seductress! You use your beautiful body
and hypnotizing eyes to reel in your prey, and
go in for the kill after they have fallen in
love with you. It is truely a fatal attraction
that kills them. Perhaps, you sometimes fall in
love yourself. Behold the power of woman!

What Kind Of Evil Bitch Are You?
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Noon - You are pleasant, friendly, and an overall
nice person. You enjoy the energy and activity
of the daytime, and tend to be very productive.

When are you?
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You are *Columbia*! Yay! You are probably the
coolest female character in the show! You can
sing, dance and still manage to look cute in
pyjamas. You love greasy bikers and top hats
but we love you anyways!!

Angel of Love.

What kind of Angel are you?
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Which Rocky character are you?

Elemental Often described as "a breath of fresh
air", that my friend is exactly what you
are. Your soul is of the powerful and ethereal
family of the elemental spirits. With your
impish charm and striking sense of humor and
optimisim, you are constantly surrounded by
friends and admirers, many of whom watch you
from afar, beguiled by your magnetic
personality and wit, but too shy to approach
you. People of your origin often find
themselves in the entertainment industry, as
they love to make people laugh and feel better
about life. You are most likely fascinated by
the origin of fairies, elves and other magical
beings, and feel a sense of inexplicable
clarity when you watch such movies as Harry
Potter and Lord Of The Rings. You live for your
dreams and most likely your closest friends are
other Elementals and Wise Ones, the
reincarnated witches and wizards you worked
alongside in a past life. You love animals and
nature and are greatly angered at man's abuse
of it. You hide your anguish behind a beautiful
smile and dazzling eyes. Don't let the world's
drudgery wiegh your wings down, as the human
race is counting on you for its sense of morale
and hope, which is forever being tested. Stay
true to yourself, and one day it will all come

Which Earth Angel Are You?
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Which monkey are you?
Another pointless diversion from Bijouriel

LOVE is your chinese symbol!

What Chinese Symbol Are You? -- Updated (7/21/03)
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You're faithful! Atta' girl!
You're the perfect lover. You remain faithful to
your lover, and accept the commitment of a
relationship. You'll go far in life.

What kind of lover are you?
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