RaNdOm ShIzNaT

This is my nifty little page where any weird little thing that pops into my mind goes.
It should be quite interesting...

Pity the C Man: hasta la panties


AnGeLOfMuSiC7587: like how u so easily accidently type 'tessticles' instead of tess

Pity the C Man: yes well, easy mistake to make of course
AnGeLOfMuSiC7587: yes, of course
AnGeLOfMuSiC7587: *smack*


KnowledgeStorm35: but then again simple ideas fly above my head lol
AnGeLOfMuSiC7587: thats cuz ur dense
AnGeLOfMuSiC7587: :-D
KnowledgeStorm35: heh watch it now
AnGeLOfMuSiC7587: hey its true
KnowledgeStorm35: thanks
KnowledgeStorm35: in what sense
AnGeLOfMuSiC7587: ....
{bangs head on desk repeatedly...}


AnGeLOfMuSiC7587: *squats down into position to jump into air* up up and away!!! *smacks into ceiling*
Pity the C Man: *smacks tess with aid from the hand of God*
AnGeLOfMuSiC7587: *gets up drunkedly and sees stars* you have a beautiful head.
they're both very pwetty *passes out*


AnGeLOfMuSiC7587: nar nar nar nar nar *dances around in circles, staring at the ceiling*
Pity the C Man: *whips out slick willy*
Pity the C Man: hmm.. up until now I was unaware that Bill Clinton was in my pants...


AnGeLOfMuSiC7587: batman is and will always be my fav
AnGeLOfMuSiC7587: i have all the movies
Pity the C Man: especially George Clooney as Batman
Pity the C Man: he's definitely the best
AnGeLOfMuSiC7587: no way
AnGeLOfMuSiC7587: dude Michael Keaton was the best!
Pity the C Man: oh yes he is!
Pity the C Man: NO!
AnGeLOfMuSiC7587: the original batman


Dr256X: so do i get on the nickel list for bringing you a donut? **offers a nickel...and a penny...which is shiney**

AnGeLOfMuSiC7587: lol maaaaaaaaybe
Dr256X: ...what if its a special donut? **rubs nipples erotically** (note: those were my nipples..dont call the popo)
AnGeLOfMuSiC7587: ahhhhhhh
AnGeLOfMuSiC7587: *runs away*


Dr256X: **points at you  and does the evil monkey face***


AnGeLOfMuSiC7587: i thought i was gettin an email. i never do *cries*

Pity the C Man: :-P
AnGeLOfMuSiC7587: lol
AnGeLOfMuSiC7587: i thought u were finally gonna confess ur love to me! MY LIFE IS OVER!!! *Cries*
Pity the C Man: hahahahahahahha
Pity the C Man: sorry, can't do that in my present state
AnGeLOfMuSiC7587: so does that mean u do love me!?!?!
AnGeLOfMuSiC7587: *does a jig*
Pity the C Man: of course!
Pity the C Man: lol
AnGeLOfMuSiC7587: YAY
AnGeLOfMuSiC7587: lol
Pity the C Man: you'd be a damn fine catch


"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without an accordion. All you do is leave behind a lot of noisy baggage."
