Note-The News closer to the top is the most current news, and the news closer to the bottom is the oldest.
Merry Christmas Bookfans!! I hope your Christmas holiday is very enjoyable and that you will have plenty of good books to read! May you be safe and healthy as you spend time with your families and friends.
Merry Christmas!
Just Reminding you bookfans, the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets VHS and DVD will be out in stores on April 11th! Be sure to get it!
There's a new book review on the book reviews page on The Journey back by Johanna Reiss-be sure to check it out!
Also: You guys haven't been sending me any of your writing. It can be anything from a school report, poem or novel. So, send those stories (and book reviews :>) in so I can put them on the page!
Also, I've noticed that no one has been sending me any poems or short stories to put on the Your Stories page. So, I can't have a contest to see whos is the best writing if no one sends me anything. Although, I've added the first chapter of a very interesting story a very close friend of mine wrote. He wants to know what you guys thing about it so Click Here! to see chapter one of his story!
~Bye 4 now!
The Fifth HARRY POTTER book in the HARRY POTTER series will come to book stores on SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 2003!! It will be called HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX. The book is 768 pages long, only 34 pages more than the fourth HARRY POTTER book. The type size is smaller, so the book wouldn't be so big. After two years of waiting, potterfans can finally mark their calendars for this date!