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Name - Nick UptonNICKB.jpg (81367 bytes)
D.O.B - 7th Febuary 1985
Occupation - Bass Player
Hobbies - Jenny, Sleeping, Eating, Collecting Injuries. (not in order)
Favourite Vegetable - Carrot (!!!)
Favourite Thing - Jenny (ahhhh)
Least Favourite Thing - Daves Hair
Cucumber or Marrow - Neither
Hair- Normal, brown, short, not unusual.
Personality Traits - Demands endless nursing following injury
Favourite Sandwich? Chicken and Bean (bass players are strange)
Favourite Song - Guns 'n' Roses - Sweet Child of Mine
Favourite Band - Delusion (Nick has a secret obsession with Delusions drummer)
Favourite Film - The Postman
Punctuality - Good to Medium, usually 15 mins late.
Bad Habits - Perpetrator of 70's rock sing alongs.
Idol - Lemmy (THAT IS SAD)
Favourite Animal - Penguin
Least Favourite Animal - Daves Hair
Favourite thing to do on a friday afternoon? Plan to dominate World.

Basses - Tanglewood Warrior 2
Squier P-Bass (named Orville)

Amplification - 1991 Laney 150W Head into Marshall 4x10 Cab with Celestion Speakers