Wes Delaney's Acoustic Page

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oh, and remember...

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"Can't see the love of this place that comes from all over me...this place being my mother. The earth my real mother, blood mother. Love yourself to Love others. Love you to Love me, I do. Mystery of that wonderful birth we allow to control. No, you allow it to control us. Christian, what is it that you see is so great about your god capital G? Is it the constant doubt in your mind that you're not going to your false Haven called Heaven? is it because you feel comfortable giving all control to a book that was written by who knows who, who knows when? That's right, compromise your own children from the beginning...give them the same choice that you had...none. Temporary satisfaction isn't the way for me. Please, put matter over mind here. Reality over imagination-someone else's imagination. I write from my experience-for the benefit of no one but me and anyone who want's to hear the truth. Noone wants to hear the truth. new. New ocean interrupted like the unsatisfactory flow of blood from your brain to your mouth. This ink is only an extension of my own mind. listen long enough and you still won't hear what you want. If you want perfection pretty baby, watch MTV. I speak of my reality and my reality isn't false plastic. My reality is roses smelling of nature. Dirt. Petals. wet and one torn. My reality is a stone, a small stone in a large field of grass, weeds and trees. Pine and Oak. Reality is the sweet cool caress of the wind in the rain, barefoot and naked, no Nike here, only Love and flesh, and more Love. Reflective ocean, rock this boat, and tip me over. Submerge this creature and make me a small part of you...
I suppose that it's my move now..."

Hello. My name, as you've probably figured out, is Wes Delaney. I've dedicated
this page to displaying some of my music and artwork.

I've been playing guitar for four years, and I've been both singing and drawing
for practically my whole life, and I've finally gotten the accessibility and the nerve
to share it all with you.....

Anyway, following what I tell you here about myself, you will find numerous songs that I've written and covered, some of my artwork, and a few of my favorite links.

OK, About Wes......Well, I'm 23 years old and I have this strange obsession--- Music. I love it, it's my depiction of life. Music is what makes everything work,
at least that's the way I feel about it, and very strongly, might I add.
I also like to draw once in a while, as you will see. I used to be pretty deep into role
playing games, and thats where most of my inspiration for my drawings came from.
More recently, I have been interested mostly in the beauty of the female body, so the newer pics you'll see are mostly that.
Anyway, have fun and I hope you enjoy my site.