penned by Lori

He walked into my life all long, dark curly hair, piercing eyes, and a voice that ignited a passion in me that I'd forgotten I had. My attentions and affections had been concentrated on another, on an unhealthy man for me, a man unworthy of my love. This dark man literally turned my head. Just the sight of him left me wet and wanting.

Having always been put down for my looks, I'd never been one to truly feel beautiful. The most I could say about myself was that I was "cute"; and, when I dressed up to the nines, I'd simply nod to myself in a mirror and hope that someone else paid me the compliment that I couldn't give myself.

The Dark One changed all that for me. Handsome beyond words, I immediately felt that he was out of my league, that he would never look my way. Be attracted to me? Want me? Absolutely laughable. Or so I thought ...

The night we first met, rail thin girls and stereotypical beautiful blondes vied for his attention; yet, all he saw was me. He leaned in to me, and whispered in a voice that vibrated right through me "You're gorgeous. What's your name?" I had to look over my shoulder to see who he was talking to and, seeing my confusion, a brilliant smile lit his face. "Yeah, you." With a chuckle, he explained to me that he wanted his women to look like women, all curves and breasts and hips and soft.

It took me a little while to adjust to the fact that he was serious. The way he looked at me turned my insides to jelly. Just thinking of his hands on me, his lips, made my knees go weak and I would shudder involuntarily.

The night we first made love, he kissed and touched every inch of me, every stretch mark, every flaw - he worshipped. With him, it was more than the sex. He was funny, caring, sweet, tender, generous. His character was so ... manly ... in the best sense of the word; and, he enveloped me with a passion that I hadn't known in years.

Due to his work and other things, our paths were not destined to parallel; and, for a time, he left my life.

Until last night.

I'd been thinking of him for the past few weeks. It seemed that, whenever the man in my life was on his way out, my thoughts turned to The Dark One and all that he'd given me ... and done TO me. *grin* I'd begun feeling down on myself, about my looks and my worth, and I knew that he would make everything ok. With him, I'd FEEL beautiful and sexy. Like the Roberta Flack song, he really did make me feel like a natural woman. I had to change NOTHING about myself with him. He wanted me and liked me for who I was.

Fate. Kismet. Call it whatever you want. I hadn't seen or heard from him in months and I'd stopped by the local bar, where everyone knew my name, stayed for a couple and left to make my way home. The bartender called me as I was pulling into the driveway, telling me that The Dark One had just walked in and was asking for me. Surprisingly, though not terribly so, my car never quite made it in the driveway and I found myself speeding to get to him, the need in me growing the closer I got to the bar ... to him.

I entered the bar, my eyes finding him immediately. His hair a bit shorter, still curly and GOD I loved the feel of his hair running through my fingers, soft as silk and sweet-smelling. Since he wasn't paying attention when I walked in the door, I was able to walk up to him unnoticed, my eyes taking in everything that was him. He'd worn a white wifebeater underneath a white button-down short-sleeved cotton shirt and a small patch of chest hair contrasted contrasted against the white of the shirt and the deep tan of his skin. I noticed his double piercings in his one ear, small silver hoops with a black ball on each, and my mouth watered at the thought of running my tongue along his ear ... and then the rest of him.

We left moments after greeting and some small talk, heading to another bar and then heading on to his house. The conversation throughout was deep, as it always had been, and it was like no time had passed since our last meeting.

Our last meeting. I couldn't wait to get naked with this man, to be frank. I wanted this man more than I could bear. I needed this man. I needed to feel his hands on me. I needed to feel him inside me.

He brought me into his bedroom, and I took a place on the bed. There was a recliner in the room; but, well, fuck that. My ass is sitting on the bed. He knelt down on the floor between my legs, leaning in to kiss me gently. The desire that was pulsing inside of me would have nothing of a gentle kiss and I kissed him, harder, letting him no I wanted more. With a smile, he continued to tease me with slow, gentle, open-mouth kisses.

I grabbed the back of his hair, releasing it from it's binds so I could run my fingers through it once again; he remembered how much I enjoyed that and gave me free rein. Our kisses became deeper, our tongues probing and his hands reached up to my breasts, kneading them in the same gentle way that he had originally kissed me, driving me insane.

He removed my top in one fluid motion, my bra ending up on the floor seconds later. His hot mouth went to my breast, taking my nipple between his teeth and lips, sucking; his tongue flicking the very end of my nipple. My hands again went to the back of his head, holding him there. Before him, there'd never been a man who knew how to "work" my breasts to my satisfaction and I couldn't get enough of his ministrations. He took my other breast in his mouth as his hand continued to knead the first and my breathing grew quite heavy.

With my breast still in his mouth, he gently leaned me back on the bed and I whined in protestation as his mouth left my breast, the cool air dancing across my nipple. He reached down, unzipping my pants and then removing them. After laying them carefully on the floor next to my bra and top, he put a hand on either side of my thongs, making quick work of their removal.

As I lay before him, completely bare, totally vulnerable, I felt no inhibition whatsoever. I'd recently gained 10 pounds and worrying about my shape was a daily occurrence. Not so with The Dark One. He looked down at me, taking stock of me from head to toe, that brilliant smile on his face. I returned the smile at knowing that I need not feel shame with this man. It all physically came back to me that this gorgeous man found me truly beautiful and I knew that I was about to be worshipped once again.

He quickly stripped himself of his own pants (nothing underneath) and it was my turn to admire his form. From his silken curly hair to his muscular body to his manhood standing hard at attention - for me - I took in all of him like a long drink of ice cold lemonade on a sweltering hot summer day. He stood there, letting my eyes get their fill of him before kneeling on the floor in front of me again, his hands running along the outside of my thighs, massaging them firmly.

His hands moved down to my knees, spreading my legs wide. With a smirk, he brought his mouth to my core, wrapping his lips around my clitoris, teeth lightly scraping against it, sucking, his tongue licking. Spreading my labia and isolating my clit, he began his work in earnest and the only sounds in the room were moans of pleasure and my long red nails scratching against the wall, searching for something to grab on to. I couldn't seem to catch my breath as he drove his tongue into my depths, tasting my desire for him. His fingers replaced his tongue, which went back to its original task. My body betrayed me as I rose off the bed, convulsing in orgasm.

As there is no rest for the weary, although he did let me catch my breath, he brought his full weight down upon me, thrusting his tongue deep in my mouth. I could taste myself on him and, surprisingly, this turned me on even more. He positioned me to receive him and drove himself into me in one thrust, filling me completely. I could feel the ridge at the head of his cock moving against my vaginal walls with each thrust. God I loved the feel of this man and I relished his repeated thrusts into me.

My feet resting against his shoulders, his arms surrounding my legs, he lifted my hips off the bed as he brought himself down into me, into the very depths of me and I dug my nails into his forearms, his legs, into any part of him that I could grab on to.

Without stopping, he changed my position from facing him to lying on my hands and knees with him behind me. I grabbed onto the end of the bed, lying flat against it, my hips in the air, legs spread wide, to make myself as tight against his shaft as I possible could. My body again shook with orgasm and my mouth went completely dry, the thought of WHY my mouth was dry bringing a contented smile to my face. I could feel his orgasm approaching and he began to growl ... yes, growl ... in a deep, throaty moan that made my heart soar as he withdrew and released onto my back. There's something about the feel of a man cumming on me, instead of inside me, that drives me wild.

As I lay there, momentarily spent, breathing in sighs, he quickly obtained a towel and proceeded to gentle wipe his cum from my back before cleaning himself up. This man continually surprised me with his tenderness. Even though our relationship was purely sexual, I've never felt like a whore with him. Pleasure is all that we can give one another at this point in our lives; and, who am I to argue with that? *grin*

I lit a cigarette and watched him move about the room, delighting in his own sighs of content. My bliss was interrupted as he looked at me, smiled, and simply stated "Round one." We started laughing and he sat down on the bed, running his hands lightly across my back.

With both laid across the bed, facing the tv, him flipping channels, finding nothing. We spent some time talking and joking, as has been our way and I just couldn't get over how much I truly ENJOYED being with him. Sex or no sex.

He rearranged the pillows and blankets on the bed and then moved behind me. The second he pressed himself up against my back, pulling me to him, my desire ignited once against and my hips moved of their own accord, grinding back against him. With a moan, his hands reached around for my breasts, his mouth at my neck and my ear. I felt him grow hard against my back and I smiled to myself "Round two."

He brought his hand down to my core, teasing me, and I reached back, taking him in my hand, stroking him. I turned to face him and we kissed passionately before I moved my mouth to his pierced nipple, sucking and nibbling, hearing his cries of pleasure like a pat on the back.

He entered me as we lay side-by-side, then he put his arms around me and rolled us over as one, so that he was on his back and I was on top of him, facing away from him. My knees astride his legs, which he had in an almost cross-legged position, I arched my back with my hands on the bed at his chest. He grabbed my hips, lifting me, controlling his thrusts into me. My head thrown back, I could feel his forehead against my shoulder, his hair teasing my neck. His lips found my shoulder blade and he kissed and nibbled at my shoulder and back as he continued to drive into me.

He, once again, rolled me onto my stomach except this time, my legs were together beneath him with him inside me, my hips in the air. This position put him in direct line with my G-spot as he thrust into me and, if I woke the neighbors with my moans, I wouldn't be surprised. I couldn't stop myself. I couldn't stifle myself. Neither could he.

It amused me to hear this man, with this deep sexy voice, emitting these higher-pitched whimpers and sighs as he came, again on my back. *grin* He rolled off of me (and the bed) laying on his back on the floor. Feeling quite pleased with myself, I pulled myself half of the bed to straddle him with my arms, running my tongue the length of his shaft, snaking my tongue across his stomach to taste the cum against his skin, stopping to play with his belly ring before moving up again to his pierced nipple, teasing it, tasting it, then on to his neck, ear, and mouth. I couldn't get enough of him and the taste of him.

After we cleaned up, he climbed back onto the bed behind me and wrapped me in his strong arms. We talked for a while about anything and everything and he closed his eyes and sighed. Being the mischievous smart ass that I am, I rolled over, silently reaching into the glass of soda for a small ice cube, which I put in my mouth. I turned back to him and, knowing how much he loves having the attention on this area, I brought my mouth down onto his nipple and he gasped and shuddered at the feel of my ice cold mouth on his over-heated body. He gasp turned to a soft moan and I playfully kissed his chest and neck before kissing his mouth gently. We both knew that it was too soon for Round Three and we just lay there, content in each other's arms.

I grabbed his hand, bringing his ring finger into my mouth, sucking gently, which was apparently the first time someone had done this to him. I was honored to have been the first in this with him. The first to show him how wonderful this feels. Taking his hand and pointing to each finger in turn, saying outloud "eenie-meenie-miney-mo", his little finger was the next to receive my oral massage. I moved then to his middle finger, and then his index finger and thumb in turn, licking and gently sucking them, moving each finger in and out of my mouth by the will of my tongue alone. His contented sighs and chuckles to himself inspired me to massage all of him, which I proceeded to do, starting at his feet before working my way up the legth of his back and then asking him to turn over so I could massage his front. A thin veil of sweat covered my body as I worked to relax him and I finished with gently massaging his head, running my nails through his scalp and then lying beside him.

He commented on the heat coming off of me and I grabbed an ice cube and handed it to him. "Ice cubes? Really?" he asked, and I didn't need to see the look on his face. "Really" I grinned and he began to move the ice cube across my hot back. My body jumped both from the cold and the pleasure that he was bringing me and he brought his hand around, teasing and hardening my nipple with the ice. I convulsed as he brought the cube to my core and I cried out involuntarily.

Regaining myself somewhat, I gritted out "Don't start something you can't -"

"Did you forget who you're talking to?" he interrupted and we laughed at my verbal faux pas. He was right of course. I HAD forgotten to whom I was speaking and I looked forward to Round Three.

He jumped up, moving himself to between my legs, spreading them. Pleased to find him hard again, I smiled as he positioned himself to enter me for the third time. His body shuddered as he entered me as his hot cock moved against my ice cold labia, the sensation making him stop to collect himself. "Damn!" was all he could say as he began again, slowly, deliberately moving in and out of me. He took the ice cube and placed it on top of my clitoris and then brought his body down to mine, trapping the ice between us, his rhythm moving the ice across us. I could feel the cold water running down from me and around him, down onto the bed beneath me.

He again brought my legs together with my feet on his shoulders, lifting my hips to plunge repeatedly into my depths. At times, I felt like his length would tear clear through to the other side of me, that's how deep inside of me he was. If I could've had my way; and, if this were a perfect world, he would've been so deep inside me that he'd never have been able to find his way out.

He growled again as he came - have I mentioned how much I love that growl? - releasing his cum onto my breasts and stomach. I hadn't really taken the opportunity to taste him; and, watching the cum flow from him was too much for me. I HAD to have him in my mouth. I moved my legs and grabbed his hips, pulling him up to meet my greedy mouth, taking all of him in, pulling every last drop of cum from his body. His body shook and shuddered as I did exactly that.

Completely and totally spent, we collapsed back on his bed and his arms immediately pulled me to him, where I lay nestled for the rest of the night, his rhythmic breathing lulling me into contended sleep.

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