Chance Encounter

Chapter 13

"Hello, Samantha," Jeff said, his voice snide and irritated, as usual. The way he greeted her reminded her of Jerry Seinfeld greeting Newman.

"Hi Jeff. What brings you to my office at ten o'clock at night? Don't you have an ambulance to chase or something?And where's Adam?"

"Adam is at home with Cheryl and we need to talk," he said, trying to push past her into her office. "Move," he said, pushing her back and entering the office. She could smell the alcohol on his breath. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Brian sitting on the couch.

"Well, well... so this is the Backstreet Boy?" Jeff said, smirking in Brian's direction. Jeff was tall, dark, and handsome. Brian thought he resembled Kevin... but looks were where the resemblance left off. This guy was an ass. Brian could tell just from the look on his face.  

"Hello, Backstreet Boy. I'm Jeffrey Rose," Jeff said.

Brian stood and held out his hand. "Brian Littrell," he said. Jeff shook his hand, never dropping his eyes from Brian's, and never losing the smirk on his face.

"Well, what an awkward situation we have here," said Jeff, still smirking.

"I was just leaving," Brian said.

"Oh, don't leave on my account," Jeff said, sneering at Samantha. "Sam, you know how I hate to ruin romantic moments."

"What do you want?" Samantha said, walking behind her desk and shuffling through some papers.

"We need to talk," Jeff said, turning to Brian. "Privately."

"Sam, I'll talk to you tomorrow, ok?" Brian said, walking over and kissing the top of her head.

"Sure. Thanks for dinner," she said, not looking up from her paperwork. Brian walked toward the door, hating to leave her alone with such an asshole. But, she had been married to him for several years, so she must know how to handle him.

"Nice to meet you, Jeff," Brian said, as he walked out the door.

"Yeah," Jeff said rudely. He turned and sat down in the chair across from Samantha.

"Ok, Jeff. What the FUCK do you want?"

"Ahhh so the real Samantha rears her ugly head. I was waiting to see if you let the little Backstreet Boy see the real you. I guess you only save that privilege for me, huh?"

"His name is Brian, not 'the little Backstreet boy', and yes, he does know the real me. YOU just bring out the worst in me. Again, I ask you, what the FUCK do you want?"

"Cheryl's pregnant. We're getting married. I just thought you might want to know," Jeff said, looking down at the floor.

"Why would that concern me?" she asked, shaking her head.

"Because. We'll be starting a new family."

"And... that means what to me, Jeff? I could give a shit if you're starting a new family."

"It means... Cheryl and I will be moving. Away from here. We're moving to Seattle to be closer to her family," he said, still looking at the floor.

"Jeff, if you think I'm going to let you take MY son to Seattle for visits, you're insane. There is no way..."

Jeff cut her off. "Sam, stop. What I'm trying to say is... Shit, I might as well just come right out and say it... I want to forget everything about my life with you. You made me miserable. Every time I look at him, I see you staring back at me. I can't stand it. I love him, but I don't think I can be a father to him anymore."

Samantha sat back in her chair, the breath knocked out of her body. "Sooo... you're going to throw him away like a piece of garbage? You're throwing your son away? Is that it? You selfish piece of shit. Damn you to hell, Jeffrey Allan Rose. Damn you straight to hell. What the hell am I supposed to tell him? Huh? What the FUCK am I supposed to tell him when he asks where you are? That you and your new wifey decided that you just didn't want him anymore? Jeff, I knew you were low, but my GOD I had no idea how low."

"Shut up, Samantha! You think this was easy for me? I just want an opportunity to start over," Jeff screamed, standing up.

"You shut up, Jeff. And get the hell out of my office!"

She left the office a few minutes after he did. When she showed up to pick Adam up at Jeff's house, neither Jeff nor Cheryl spoke to her. She carried Adam's sleeping form to her car and strapped him into his seat. When she sat in the driver's seat, she cried. She cried for Adam. Poor little baby. But then again, was he really losing that much?
Monday morning, Samantha sat behind her desk. She had just hung up from her attorney, and they were having the paperwork drawn up to terminate Jeff's parental rights. If that's how he wanted it, fine. They didn't need him.

Samantha let out a long, angry sigh and covered her eyes with her hands.

"Ms. Rose, there's another Backstreet Boy out here in the lobby for you," Renee's voice said over the intercom.
