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The ringing phone woke me. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was only 7:30am. I fumbled for the phone, not bothering to sit up.

"Somebody better be bleeding from the eyes if you're calling me this fucking early," I said into the receiver. There was a pause, then a laugh.

"Well, good morning, sunshine," the voice said, sounding very amused.

"Kevin, are you bleeding from the eyes? Have you been in an accident and you are in such terrible shock that you have forgotten how to tell time? Do you realize that it's 7:30am on a Saturday? Some of us have to work for a living, and we like to sleep late on Saturday," I said, getting very annoyed.

"Sure I know what time it is, Miss Bitchy. It's time to get your lazy ass out of bed. We're goin' out on my new boat today. Get up, get dressed, and we'll pick you up in an hour."

I hung up on him. I contemplated not getting out of bed, but I thought about it, and decided it might be fun. I dragged my tired body out of bed, got a quick shower, and put on my bathing suit. True to his word, an hour later I heard him blow the horn in the driveway. I walked outside, expecting to see Kevin and HER, but she wasn't with him today. I was relieved. SHE didn't like me, and she was always so hostile. I never understood why. She had never spoken more than two words to me in my life, but she hated me and wasn't shy about her disdain. Kevin and I had been friends for years, and neither of us would let her come between us.

"How RUDE! Can't you even come to the door to pick me up like a gentleman?" I asked, jokingly.

"Get in the truck, bitch!" I heard Kevin shout from the driver's seat of his new SUV.

"What is that? The Kentucky mating call? You're such an ass, Kevin," I laughed. I climbed in the front seat, and noticed that AJ was sitting in the back. He looked so hot, all kicked back with his sunglasses on.

"Hey, AJ," I said, a little nervous that he was with us. Kevin was a friend, but I had always had a thing for AJ. He smiled a sweet smile, but didn't say anything. My heart fluttered.

We got to the boat dock and made our way to Kevin's new boat. It was a beautiful sailboat, and it was much bigger than I was expecting. Kevin jumped aboard and helped me up. A few minutes later, and we were headed off into the ocean.

After about 30 minutes, we were so far out that we couldn't even see land anymore. There were no other boats around as far as the eye could see. The weather was perfect, not a cloud in the sky. The wind died down, and we pretty much came to a halt. AJ and Kevin popped open a few beers and settled back into their seats. I told them I was going to get some sun, and I went to the front of the boat to spread out my towel. I put on my sunglasses and lay face up. The sun was hot, and I could feel beads of sweat forming on my back as I lay there. My mind began to wander, and soon I drifted off into a twilight sleep. I was brought back to reality when I felt cool water dripping on my stomach. It felt nice, so I didn't mind too much. A few minutes later, I felt fingers tracing up my stomach, between my breasts, up my chest, then to my neck. I opened my eyes, fully expecting to see AJ, but I was surprised to see Kevin sitting beside me. He smiled at me.

"Want me to stop?" he asked, his cool fingers lightly running back down to my stomach, sending shivers over my body.

"No, don't stop," I said, smiling back at him, "That feels nice."

He continued to tease me like that for a few more minutes, and I could feel the wetness growing between my legs. He moved closer to me and ran his hand through my hair, resting it on the back of my head. He leaned down and gave me a soft kiss. It felt like nothing I had ever experienced before. I had always known Kev was a hottie, but I had never even considered something like this happening. He stretched out on his side, propping his head up with his hand. He leaned forward and kissed me again, this time more urgently, his tongue parting my lips and probing for my own. I reached up and ran my hand up the back of his neck and into his dark hair, pulling him closer. His hands roamed up and down my sides, and he broke our kiss. He began to trace his lips down my neck, to my shoulder, then my chest. He gently freed my breasts from my bathing suit top and began to lick and caress them gently. I arched my back slightly and took a deep breath. One of my hands was still in his hair, and I pulled him down a little more. With the other hand, I gently ran my nails up his back. He moaned lightly, and began to suck my nipples harder. I was getting so hot, I could barely contain myself. I felt one of his hands travel down between my legs, pushing the fabric of my suit aside. He rubbed his finger between my swollen lips, pausing every few seconds to dart inside me. Then he began to kiss a trail of tiny kisses down my stomach. He paused when he got down to the top of my suit and he looked up at me. He had a devilish look in his eyes, and he smirked at me.

"What do you want me to do, baby?" he asked, in the slow Kentucky drawl that I had never paid much attention to before that moment.

"You know what I want, Kevin," I said.

"Yeah, I know what you want. I just don't know if I'm going to give it to you just yet," he said, still smirking.

"Oh, you'd better give it to me right now, mister, or I might have to take matters into my own hands, if you know what I mean..." I said, laughing.

"Oh, well, if it's like that then..." he said, gently pulling my bikini bottoms off. He pushed my legs apart and his tongue softly ran down the length of my aching lips. I drew a deep breath and arched my back. He continued to tease my wetness like this until I couldn't stand it anymore. I put my hands on the back of his head and drew him into my folds. He got the message, and he quickened his pace. His hands gently parted my lips as his tongue found my swollen bud. He held my clit gently between his teeth, sucked softly, with light butterfly flicks, causing my body to shudder. I was totally oblivious to everything else in the whole world. Then I felt a cold tongue on my nipple. I opened my eyes to see AJ beside me, leaning down over my body. He began to fondle and suck my breasts. I took my hand from Kevin's head and ran it thru AJ's hair. He looked up and smiled.

"I guess you don't mind, then?" he asked. "I just couldn't resist."

I was in such ecstasy that I couldn't' speak. AJ's mouth traveled down my stomach, almost to the spot where Kevin was giving me such pleasure. Kevin looked at him and smiled. Their lips touched briefly before Kevin pulled away completely and gave AJ a turn. The sight of this, these two beautiful men... that one kiss... nearly put me over the edge.

"PLEASE, please let me rest for just a minute," I begged before AJ started.

"Not a chance," he answered, laughing. He bent between my legs and took over where Kevin left off. AJ wasn't as gentle as Kevin. His actions were more deliberate, more forceful. He spread my lips and began to devour me. His tongue plunged inside me, and a loud moan escaped my lips.

"That's what I was looking for," AJ said, plunging his tongue once more.

Kevin moved up the side of my body knelt beside my head. I could see the outline of his huge cock straining the material of his shorts. I reached over and ran my hand over it. He unbuttoned the shorts and I pulled them down to his knees. He brought his erect member down to my mouth, as I took in as much as I could. He slowly thrust himself in and out of my mouth as I raked my nails softly over his balls. I could feel his pace quickening, and his head dropped back in ecstasy. A low moan escaped his lips.

"Oh God," he moaned. He thrust further in my mouth, as I sucked a little harder, rubbing my tongue over his swollen head. I could feel his balls tensing, and I knew he was ready to come. I grabbed his hard cock in my hand and began to pump him as I sucked. Suddenly, his cum burst forth in my mouth in hot, sticky spurts. I swallowed every drop, and continued to pump until he was completely finished. He fell back and sat on the floor.

I then turned my attention back to AJ, who was still between my legs. He pushed my knees up and sucked my swollen clit, biting it gently, and sending me into orbit.

"Oh, I'm..." I started.

"Oh no you're not," AJ laughed. "You're not going to get off that easy." He sat up on his knees between my legs and pulled down his shorts. He crawled up my body and began to kiss me passionately. I wrapped my legs around him and tried to pull him into me, but he wouldn't allow it.

"We'll do this on my terms," he said as he pulled me up to a sitting position. He laid back on the floor and put his hands behind his head. I crawled up and straddled his hips, slowly bring my body down on top of him. He put his hands on my hips and pushed me down on top of his engorged penis. I felt the length of him enter me, and it took my breath. He began to rock my hips back and forth, and I could feel his dick hitting my g-spot just right. I put my hands on his chest and leaned down to kiss him. His hips rose to meet my thrusts, and I kissed him deeply. I then felt Kevin's hands on my back, and then his tongue running down my spine. I tried to sit up, but he pushed me back down on top of AJ. Apparently Kevin wasn't quite as finished as I thought he was. I felt him enter the tip of his cock into my ass, and I tried to object. That was uncharted territory, and I wasn't sure if I could handle them both. AJ silenced me with a forceful kiss as Kevin entered me fully. This was more than I could take. I began to cry out in pain and passion, as I came in waves that I thought would never end. I collapsed on AJ's chest, and allowed them to take me. I felt Kevin's thrusts quicken, and he pumped his load into me. He pulled himself out, sighing heavily. AJ sat up and told me to get on my hands and knees. Weakly, I did as he asked. He entered my still throbbing femininity from behind and placed his hands on my hips. He thrust into me roughly, as he moaned loudly. I felt his cock explode inside me, as he finished his lovemaking. He withdrew from me and sat down, pulling me down with him. I sat between his legs, my back to his chest. We were all breathing very heavily.

"Damn, girl," Kevin said, laughing," I never knew ya had it in ya."

Oh boy, did I ever...

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