Crash Into Me

Chapter 10

"Don't look at me like that," AJ said, frowning at Nick.

"Like what?" Nick said bitterly.

"Like that," AJ complained. "Like you wanna strangle me or something."

"Sorry," Nick muttered. He looked away from AJ and picked at imaginary lint on his shirt.

"Hey guys," Kelly said cheerfully. "Am I interrupting anything?"

"No baby," AJ said, beaming at her. "Whatcha got there?"

"Chocolate chip cookies," Kelly said, smiling at him. "They're still warm. I thought you guys might want a snack while you watch TV."

"You're so sweet," AJ said, kissing her cheek. He took the plate from her hand and placed it on the table.

"Yeah, sooo sweet," Nick muttered quietly, rolling his eyes.

"What was that?" Kelly asked, turning to Nick. "I didn't hear you."

"Nothing. Never mind. Thanks for the cookies," he replied.

Nick flopped down into one of the theatre chairs in AJ's screening room and grabbed the remote. As he flipped through the DVD titles AJ had programmed, AJ wrapped his arms around Kelly and hugged her. She hugged him back, which pleased him.

"I like this look on you," AJ said, running his finger over her shoulder. She was wearing a stretchy white cotton pajama top with tiny straps, and a pair of AJ's boxers. She still hadn't been able to do any shopping since her arrival, and her wardrobe was rather skimpy.

"I'm glad you do," Kelly laughed.

Nick cleared his throat, and the sudden noise startled Kelly. She jumped like a scalded cat, then looked over at Nick. He acted as if he was oblivious to both of them. She could tell something was bothering Nick, but she wondered what it could be. Was he jealous of AJ's hands on her body? Could that be it?

"I'll leave you two alone," Kelly whispered.

"No. I want you to stay," AJ said, looking into her eyes. She looked away, unable to hold his stare for very long.

"OK," she said, swallowing hard. She sat down, and AJ sat beside her. He draped his arm over her shoulder, and pulled her close. Kelly shuddered despite herself. His touch still made her feel awkward sometimes, but she was learning to accept it.

"Nicky, pick something for us to watch," AJ said, pulling Kelly in closer.

Nick chose a movie that he knew AJ would like... the Kim Bassinger classic 9 1/2 Weeks.

"Good choice," AJ chuckled, as he shoved a cookie into his mouth. Kelly settled back against AJ's arm and the movie began. AJ's fingers toyed with Kelly's long, auburn hair. She felt herself gradually relaxing under his touch.

As the movie progressed, AJ became more and more aroused. He could feel the tingle of excitement in his groin, as he began to grow hard. He leaned over and kissed Kelly's bare shoulder. Kelly closed her eyes and took a silent, deep breath. AJ's soft lips traced along Kelly's skin up to her neck, his tongue occasionally darting out to taste her salty sweetness. His fingers worked through her hair, freeing it of the clasp she had used to keep it out of her face. Her hair tumbled down, and AJ buried his face in it, breathing deeply. He loved the smell of her hair... the way it felt against his cheek.

"Baby, I want you to do something for me," he whispered.

"What is it?"

"Make Nick happy," AJ said softly. Kelly nodded slowly, then stood and walked to Nick. She silently dropped to her knees in front of him, and gently spread his legs. As she ran her hands up his inner thighs, she looked up into his beautiful blue eyes. They were cold. Icy even. Kelly got a chill just looking at him. She glanced at AJ, who nodded encouragement, then she began to work on the buttons on Nick's jeans.

Nick couldn't believe this was happening. AJ claimed to love Kelly. He loved her so much that he refused Nick's advances. Yet he had sent Kelly to Nick to do this? It made no sense... But Nick didn't have much time to think before his libido began to take over his brain. He allowed Kelly to remove his clothing, and she took him into her mouth. Nick moaned as her hot tongue began to massage his hard cock. Kelly's hands grasped Nick's hardness, and she began to stroke as she sucked. Nick had almost forgotten how great she was at this. He closed his eyes and pretended that it was AJ's mouth... that AJ was sucking him so wonderfully. He leaned back and put his hands behind his head as Kelly continued her task, a contented look on his face.

AJ moved behind Kelly and bent over her.

"God I love to watch you do that," he whispered into her ear. "I love to watch you make Nick come."

For some reason, AJ's words, his hot breath on her ear, the low, sexy rasp of his voice, gave Kelly a thrill. A shiver travelled down her spine, but this time, it was a good feeling. She intensified her activities, and Nick let out a gasp. He opened his eyes and saw AJ kneeling behind Kelly. Nick smiled seductively down at AJ, and motioned for his lover to come to him. AJ paused for a moment, but he eventually moved to Nick's side.

"Please kiss me," Nick begged. AJ stared at Nick for a second, then softly cupped the back of Nick's neck and their lips met. A wave of excitement coursed through Nick's body as he was finally allowed to taste AJ's mouth. Nick, in his excitement, plunged his tongue deeply into AJ's mouth. AJ tried to pull back, but Nick held tightly onto AJ's shoulders. AJ finally stopped struggling, and allowed Nick to tongue fuck his mouth.

Kelly opened her eyes just long enough to see Nick and AJ's passionate kiss. She felt her own excitement growing, and she could feel the moisture between her legs building. She wanted to fuck Nick so badly she could barely stand it. As if he could read her mind, AJ pulled away from Nick's kiss and looked down at Kelly. He smiled slightly, then moved down to her. He pulled her away from Nick's cock, which was so swollen, he felt as though it was going to explode. Nick whined as he felt Kelly's hot mouth leave him.

AJ laid Kelly down on the floor and kissed her deeply. She could almost taste Nick on AJ's lips. He sat up on his knees, unbuttoned his jeans, and allowed them to fall down around his knees. AJ roughly pulled her shorts off and positioned himself between her legs. He pushed her knees up, and entered her in one fluid motion. Kelly's back arched, and she let out a gasp as his hardness penetrated her. AJ's quick thrusts soon had her on the brink of orgasm. She looked up at Nick, who was stroking himself to the rhythm of AJ's lovemaking. The sight of Nick's hand on his huge erection was enough to send her over the edge, and she came, clawing at AJ's back. AJ groaned, as he, too, found his end. He came inside her, throbbing, pulsing hotness.

When the throbbing subsided, he withdrew from her and smiled. Kelly was breathless from her monumental orgasm, and she closed her eyes. AJ kissed her softly.

"I'll be back in a minute," he whispered, then stood and left the room.

Kelly had almost forgotten Nick was there until she felt his warm, insistent hands spreading her legs. He bent his head and ran his tongue along her wet cleft. She gasped and spread her legs wider, giving him better access. Nick's tongue found it's way deep inside her, licking and sucking in a way Kelly had never felt before in all of her years of professional lovemaking. She cried out loudly, grasping the back of Nick's head. He opened her thighs even wider, as wide as he could, and buried his face between her legs with all of his strength. He wanted to taste AJ. He had to taste AJ, and if this was the only way he could do it, then so be it...

Kelly came again as she called Nick's name. He didn't care. Kelly's pleasure was the last thing on his mind. He continued to devour her until he could no longer find AJ's essense. He then pulled away and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He looked down at Kelly, who appeared to be near death from the experience. She was in such ecstasy that she could barely breathe. Nick had never felt such loathing for anyone in his life...

AJ stood in the doorway, his shoulder against the frame. He had a peculiar smile on his face. Nick glanced up and saw him standing there, and he was suddenly afraid. What if AJ was angry that he had touched Kelly? What if AJ made him leave? Oh god, that was too terrible to contemplate.

AJ strode over to Nick and pushed him over onto his back. Nick stared up at AJ, who was now kneeling between Nick's legs. AJ smiled as he produced a small bottle of lubricant, and Nick's heartbeat quickened. He knew AJ wouldn't deny him.

"This is what I went to get," AJ chuckled softly.

"I'm glad," was all Nick could manage.

AJ began to lubricate Nick, but Nick pulled away.

"No," Nick said. "Can I..."

AJ knew what Nick was asking. Nick wanted to fuck him. Nick had always wanted to fuck him. But AJ had never let him. AJ shook his head, and bent to kiss Nick's soft lips.

"Please," Nick whispered into AJ's mouth. "Please."

AJ pulled back and stared into Nick's pleading, blue eyes. Nicky... beautiful, strong Nicky. His Nicky... No matter what, Nick would always belong to AJ.

AJ's eyes narrowed slightly, and a slow smirk crossed his lip. "Ok. But just this once. Don't ask me again."

Nick nearly came on himself as he heard AJ speak those words. "Really?" he asked. Croaked was a better term. AJ nodded slowly, the smirk still pasted on his lips.

"Ok. Um... how do you want... Uh... do you want to be on top? Or... should I..." Nick was stammering. AJ let out a little chuckle and pulled Nick up off the floor into a sitting position. He took Nick's face in his hands and kissed him softly.

"You're nervous," AJ said quietly. "Don't be."

"Uh... ok," Nick managed.

Very soon, Nick found himself behind AJ, who was on all fours. Nick nervously pressed the tip of his monstrous cock against AJ's tight opening. As he entered, AJ sucked in a deep breath. Nick, on the other hand, found himself unable to breathe. He had never felt such tightness in his life. Almost uncomfortable tightness. As he began his in and out movements, AJ began to relax, as did Nick. Very soon, they were both caught up in the ecstasy.

"Kelly," AJ rasped, "come here."

Kelly, who had been watching this whole scene from the shadows, walked to them on her knees. Nick didn't care. He had AJ, and that's all that mattered. AJ pulled Kelly down to the carpet and began to suck her erect nipples as Nick pounded away at his ass. Kelly closed her eyes and ran her fingers through AJ's dark hair. He grasped her other hand and pulled it to his erection. She stroked as Nick pumped. Very soon, Nick's thrusts quickened, and he grasped AJ's narrow hips, pushing into him as far as he could. AJ cried out in pain as Nick blew his load. Kelly pulled her hand away from AJ, but he stopped her.

"No, keep going," he said, breathlessly. She continued her rhythmic strokes until AJ came, spurting all over her hand. AJ collapsed, his cheek resting on Kelly's chest. She looked down at her goo covered hand, wondering what the hell she was supposed to do with it. She didn't want to get it on the carpet... Nick threw her a shirt. Who's shirt it was, she had no idea, nor did she care. She wiped off her hand, then caressed AJ's head. He had his eyes closed, and was trying to collect himself.

"I love you," he whispered. "So much."

Was he talking to her? Or Nick?

Nick laid down beside AJ, his head resting on Kelly's bare stomach. He traced lazy circles around AJ's back. They all laid there, silent except for their breathing, for the longest time. With one hand, Kelly was rubbing AJ's head, and the other hand found Nick's soft hair. She felt a shiver of longing as she touched Nick's hot skin. She wanted him. She really, really wanted him. Finally AJ opened his eyes and smiled at Kelly. He stood and offerred her his hand. Kelly looked down at Nick, who had a stricken look on his face. She didn't want to leave him. She wanted to rest in his arms. She wanted Nick to hold her. But she belonged to AJ. She knew that...

Kelly took AJ's hand, and he helped her up. Without so much as a word to Nick, AJ led Kelly up to his bedroom. He crawled into bed, and she got into bed beside him. He wrapped her in his arms and kissed her forehead.

"I really mean it when I say that, you know," he said softly. "I do love you."

Kelly closed her eyes against the stinging tears that threatened to spill down her cheeks.

"Let's keep that to a minimum. Remember?" she said, her voice catching in her throat.

"Sorry," he laughed, then kissed her head again. A few minutes later, his regular breathing told her he was asleep. She rolled out of his embrace to the edge of the bed, her back to him. Tonight had sealed it. She was in love with Nick. She had to have him, no matter what...

Nick was hurt. Deeply hurt. He couldn't believe AJ would dismiss him like that, without so much as a word. After they had shared such an intimate moment, AJ had just left. No cuddling. No caressing. No nothing. He just left. With her. Kelly. Nick dressed slowly, and walked back into the living room. He stopped by the kitchen before leaving, and opened the refrigerator. He popped open a coke and took a long sip. When he closed the refrigerator door and turned to leave, he saw her... standing in the doorway... naked.

"Hey," she said softly, smiling a very beguiling smile.

"Hey," he said, looking away.

"AJ's asleep," she said.

"Why aren't you with him?"

"Because I'd rather be with you."
