Crash Into Me

Chapter 12

Kelly stared at herself in the mirror, as she pulled her auburn tresses up on top of her head. She was impressed with the soft golden highlights AJ's stylist had created earlier in the day. She carefully applied the finishing touches to her tasteful makeup, moving close to the mirror so that she could find the tiniest flaws. She was not happy to see the very beginnings of wrinkles forming at the corners of her beautiful blue eyes. She knew eventually she'd have to take care of those. But still, no one would ever guess that she was 29 years old. Her skin was close to perfect. She had a creamy, golden, nearly flawless complexion, and she was so thankful.

Dinner with Kevin was to be casual, but she wanted to make a good impression on him. AJ seemed to value Kevin's opinion above all others. She didn't know why she was worried about impressing AJ's friends. It wasn't as if AJ was going to throw her out or anything. Kelly pulled on her khaki lowrise shorts and her new short Abercrombie & Fitch t-shirt. She chose her hiking boots, because she knew they made her legs look hot. She heard the doorbell ring downstairs, and she waited a few minutes. She wanted to make a grand entrance.

As she walked down the stairs, she could hear two men talking. One of them didn't sound happy. She tiptoed to the corner of the kitchen and listened.

"AJ, please don't do this to me."

"Nick, you know I can't. I just can't."


"But nothing."

"What about the other night?"

"Nick, that was just... I don't know... a momentary lapse of judgement, I guess."

"A what? AJ, I love you. Please make her leave. She's driving us apart."

AJ was silent. Kelly's heart was in her throat. Shit. What if he did make her leave? Where would she go? She had given up her house. She was just beginning to enjoy the way AJ was spoiling her. And why did Nick have to hate her so much? It hurt her heart to hear him talk about her that way. She wanted him to love her, not AJ.

"Fine," Nick hissed. "Just FINE, AJ. But don't come crying to me when she... I don't know... leaves you for somebody else. Or whatever."

Nick stormed out of the kitchen, straight into Kelly. He collided with her like a linebacker, sending her whirling into the wall. Her forehead hit the wall with enormous force, and she stood dazed for a second. Nick stopped and looked at her.

"You ok?" he asked gruffly. Kelly started to nod, but the room began to spin around and get dim, and she found herself sinking to the floor. Nick jumped to catch her, but it was too late. Kelly fell like a rag doll. AJ ran into the dining room to see what had happened.

"What the fuck did you do to her?" he yelled, bending down to check on Kelly.

"It was an accident," Nick said weakly.

"Accident my ass. What did you do to her, you dumb fuck!" AJ screamed.

Nick stood stone still for a few seconds, shocked by AJ's outburst. AJ cradled Kelly's head in his hands and tried to revive her.

"Kelly, baby, open your eyes. Talk to me. Kelly, look at me," AJ pleaded. His eyes widened as he saw the blood began to spill from the horrible gash on her head, just below her hairline. A large goose egg knot began to form under the cut.


That got Nick's attention. He ran into the kitched and called 911. Within a few minutes, the paramedics arrived to assist Kelly, who was still unconscious. AJ stood against the wall, his hand clasped over his mouth. He glanced at Nick, who was staring at the scene with a peculiar look on his face. AJ couldn't tell if it was fear, remorse, or what. He'd better be sorry. Damn him.

Kelly slowly opened her eyes and looked into the face of the female paramedic who was treating her.

"Sammi?" Kelly mumbled.

"No, I'm Theresa. I'm a medic, honey. You've hit your head. Can you tell me your name?" the medic replied.

"My name is..." Kelly said, thinking hard. "Kelly."

"Good. How old are you, Kelly?"

"I'm twenty five," Kelly lied. At least she still had enough sense to lie.

"Do you know what today's date is?"

"Uh... September 24?" Kelly guessed. The cobwebs were still pretty thick inside her brain.

"No, sweetie. It's March 4," the medic answered. "I think we need to get you to the hospital so they can check you out a little closer, ok?"

"Ok," Kelly said, as she closed her eyes again. She felt herself being loaded onto a stretcher and placed in the ambulance. Once inside, she could feel someone holding her hand. She opened her eyes just slightly to see who it was. It was AJ...

"Don't you leave me, baby," AJ said quietly.

"I'm not going anywhere," Kelly mumbled.

"What did you say?" AJ asked. "I couldn't quite understand you."

"I said I'm not going anywhere," Kelly said again.

"Honey, you're talking nonsense. Why don't you just lie still and be quiet," AJ said, trying to hide the fear in his voice. She was talking nonsense, but she obviously understood what she was trying to say. Her response to him had been something to the effect of 'Trees aren't tied into cow noses.' AJ was scared.

Once at the hospital, the doctors took over. They evaluated Kelly, and sent her to have a CT scan of her brain. AJ waited in the emergency room, praying that she would be ok. As he sat quietly, Nick entered the room.

"What are you doing here?" AJ asked bitterly.

"I just wanted to make sure she was ok," Nick said sheepishly.

"Get the fuck out of here," AJ hissed. "Her brains might be scrambled, and it's all your fucking fault!"

"AJ, I'm sorry," Nick pleaded. "It was an accident. I swear to God it was an accident."

"Sure. You had just gotten through saying how you wanted her to leave, and then you slam her head into a wall. Yeah, that sounds like an accident to me."

"AJ, please believe me," Nick whispered, kneeling before AJ. His blue eyes pleaded with AJ.

"Go," AJ said, as he looked away from Nick. Nick squeezed his eyes shut and walked out of the room. He closed the door behind himself, and leaned against the wall. He had to make sure Kelly was alright. Not that he cared one way or the other about Kelly's health, but he knew if she was really hurt, AJ would never forgive him.

The doctor returned to the room to speak with AJ.

"Mr. McLean, she's going to be fine. She just has a pretty nasty concussion. That's why she was talking nonsense earlier. She's still a little confused, but she's coming out of it. She'll be fine in a few days."

"Thank you," AJ said, breathing a sigh of relief. "Can I see her?"

"Sure," the doctor said, smiling. "We're moving her up to a room. We just want to keep an eye on her tonight. She can go home first thing in the morning. Come with me, and I'll take you up there."

AJ followed the doctor out, and AJ saw Nick sitting on the floor outside the door. He gave Nick a scowl as he walked by. Nick hopped up and caught up with them.

"Is she ok?" Nick asked quickly.

"She's going to be fine, but you gave her a concussion," AJ muttered. "Now go home, Nick. I don't need you here."

Nick stopped and watched AJ and the doctor walk away. Damn her. Damn her. DAMN HER! This was all her fault. She was taking AJ away from him, and she didn't even appreciate the fact that AJ loved her. That fucking bitch. That goddamn WHORE! The more he thought about it, the angrier he got. He turned on his heel and stormed out of the hospital.

When AJ reached Kelly's room, she was sitting up in the hospital bed trying to focus on the television. She smiled a little when she saw him.

"Hey," AJ said softly, as he sat down in the chair beside her.

"Hey," she replied, smiling at him. He looked like hell. And he had blood all over his shirt.

Tears stung his eyes as he pressed his lips to the back of her hand.

"Don't you scare me like that again," AJ said, smiling through his tears.

"I'll try," Kelly laughed. She cringed and touched her forehead gingerly. "I've got one hell of a headache."

"I'm so sorry. This is all Nick's fault," AJ said, shaking his head angrily.

"No it's not," Kelly said, trying to calm him down. "He didn't mean to knock me into the wall. It was an accident."

AJ stared at her for a second. "You're not mad at him?"

"No," Kelly said. "I'm not mad at him. It was just an accident. Where is he anyway?"

"I sent him home," AJ said, looking down at his shoes. He knew there were no such things as accidents. This was Nick's fault, and he'd never forgive him for it, either.

"Call him," Kelly said quickly. Maybe a little too quickly. "I don't want him to feel bad about this. He probably feels terrible."

"I'll call him later," AJ mumbled. "Right now, I just want to make sure you're ok."

Kelly nodded. Her heart ached as she thought of the guilt Nick must be feeling at that moment. Knowing he had hurt her... then having AJ send him away. Nick must be scared out of his mind for her.

AJ climbed onto the bed beside Kelly and pulled her to him. She rested her aching head on his chest and closed her eyes. AJ was warm. And sweet. And he always smelled so nice. Kelly settled into his arms and felt herself getting sleepy. AJ's fingers trailed up and down her bare arm, and he kissed the top of her head. She drifted off to sleep wishing Nick was there with her. She would feel better when she got to talk to him, and let him know she wasn't angry with him.

Nick sat in the bar, drinking until he didn't think he could drink another drop. His mind swam with images of Kelly and AJ, and the images infuriated him. He hated her. He couldn't remember ever hating anyone before. Not like this. There was no hatred in the history of the world like the hatred he felt for her. He wished she would just... disappear.
