Crash Into Me

Chapter 13

Kelly lounged by the pool as the young Korean girl, Kyong, finished her pedicure. Since her accident, AJ was spoiling her even more than usual. Kelly blew on her freshly painted nails and closed her eyes behind her deeply tinted sunglasses. It was warm outside. Not hot exactly, because there was a little breeze blowing, but it was warm nonetheless. The sunlight danced across the rippling water of AJ's pool. Kelly loved the lanai. That's what AJ called it... a lanai. Kelly would have called it a patio by the pool, but lanai sounded so much more classy.

Nick arrived at AJ's house unannounced, as usual. He walked through the front door, using his key.

"AJ," he shouted. When he received no response, he wandered through the house trying to find somebody home. No such luck. He went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. He pulled out a beer, and popped it open. It crossed Nick's mind that it was unusual for AJ to have beer in the house, but he didn't think too much of it. He walked out onto the lanai and saw -her-. He rolled his eyes, but figured it was time to put his plan into action, and he strolled over to her.

"Hey Kell's Bells," Nick said jovially. "How's the head?"

Kelly looked up at him and smiled. The butterflies in her stomach went nuts when she saw his perfect smile beaming down on her.

"I'll live," she said. "Wanna sit down and join me? Kyong was just finishing my pedicure, and I was going to go for a swim as soon as my toes dry."

"I'll have a seat, but I think I'll leave the swimming to you," Nick said, taking a chair beside her.

"Suit yourself," Kelly shrugged. "I'm hot. I wish I had a drink."

"What would you like?" Nick asked. "I'd be glad to get it for you."

"Really?" Kelly said, a little stunned. "Uh, let's see. Maybe a double vodka martini with an olive?"

"Oooh, you sure you should be drinking after your injury the other day?" Nick asked, rising from the chair.

"They didn't say I couldn't."

"Alrighty then. Double vodka martini it is," Nick chuckled, and returned into the house. He gritted his teeth as he made the martini. He made it strong. Extra strong. When he returned, he handed the large martini glass to Kelly and propped his feet up on her chair.

"So where's Bone?" Nick asked casually.

"I think he went shopping," Kelly answered. "The cupboard is bare, and he thougth I needed some fresh fruits and veggies, so he went to the grocery store."

"AJ... at a grocery store?" Nick asked, incredulously.

"That's what I said," Kelly laughed. Nick stared at the bandage on her forehead. Somewhere inside, the sick, twisted part of his brain wanted to see the damage. He needed to see the injury he had caused to that beautiful face. He had to relish in it. He reached over and gently pulled away the bandage. Kelly let out a little squeak as the tape pulled her hair.

"Sorry," Nick muttered, then stared at the stitched up gash. It was at least two inches long, and there was a mushy looking purple bruise under it. She had definitely hit her head pretty hard.

"So I did that, huh?" Nick asked quietly, unable to take his eyes off of the stitches.

"No. It was an accident. We just... bumped into each other," Kelly said, smiling slightly. "You didn't mean to hurt me. I know that."

"You're right," Nick said, smiling. "I didn't mean to." He allowed his hand to brush her cheek as it dropped away from her forehead. Kelly felt a little tingle at his touch.

"So when do you expect AJ back?" Nick asked.

"I don't know. Maybe an hour or so," Kelly said, eyeing Nick. She wasn't stupid. She knew when a man was coming onto her, and Nick Carter was most definitely coming onto her.

"Hmm... well, maybe I will take you up on that swim," Nick said, smirking. It was time to put his newly devised plan into action.

His blue eyes narrowed mischeviously. He stood and pulled his shirt over his head, then dropped his pants. As he stood in front of her in his boxers, her eyes dropped to his growing manhood. He moved slowly towards her, all the while smiling lasciviously. Kelly looked up at him, surprised, but delighted. Nick reached into the slit in his boxers and produced his quickly hardening member. With one hand, he tangled his fingers into Kelly's hair, and with the other, he guided his erection into her mouth. He let out a soft groan as she began to massage him with her tongue. She reached behind him, digging her fingers into the soft, rounded cheeks of his ass, and pulled him closer. Nick thrust himself deeper into her throat. He knew she could take it. And she did. Nick stroked himself as Kelly's sucked. For a moment, he forgot that it was Kelly, his arch-enemy, sucking his dick, and allowed his mind to wander. His knees began to shake a little as Kelly's cheeks sucked in, making the sensation even stronger. He opened his eyes and watched her head bob up and down, his slick hardness sliding in and out of her luscious mouth. He could feel his orgasm building like a tidal wave. He burst forth into her mouth, pushing himself deeper into her throat than he thought possible. Kelly allowed him to slip from between her lips, and she looked up at him, her eyes clouded with lust. Nick smiled slightly, then pulled her to her feet. Kelly's arms snaked around Nick's neck, and she kissed him. Nick could taste his seed on her tongue, and it turned him on. In true Nick fashion, he grew hard again almost immediately. He ran his hands down her sides, then back up to her perfect, round breasts. He pulled away the thin material of her bikini top to reveal her erect nipples. He bent his head and sucked one of them. Kelly gasped. She couldn't believe this was happening. Nick... her Nick...

"Come here, baby," Nick said softly, pulling her to the jacuzzi. They emersed themselves in the hot water, and Nick pulled Kelly over to straddle his lap. She could feel his hardness pressing against her body, and she knew she had to have it. She stood in front of him and removed her bikini bottoms. Nick smiled seductively, then pulled her back down by her hips onto his hard cock. She threw her head back as he penetrated her, the ends of her long auburn hair dipping into the water. Nick moved her body up and down on his huge shaft as she clenched her walls around him. She braced herself by putting her hands on his shoulders. Nick stopped momentarily and ripped her bikini top off, then buried his face in her breasts. Kelly ran her fingers through his hair, encouraging him to continue. His tongue flicked across her nipple, sending shivers throughout her body. She let out a soft sigh and arched her back. Their lovemaking seemed to last forever, with Kelly coming several times, each time gasping and clawing at Nick's back. Nick smiled each time. He had her now... he was completely in control of his body, and this was going to go on until... until it was OVER.

After nearly an hour, Nick caught a glimpse of someone out of the corner of his eye, and he knew the time had come. He began to bounce Kelly on his hardness with renewed enthusiasm. She cried out in pleasure.

"Oh GOD, Nick!" Kelly moaned. "Oh GOD!"

Nick came into her, thrusting roughly with each spasm. When he was spent, he pulled her close and whispered into her ear.

"Tell me you love me," he whispered, his voice so soft she could barely hear him.

"I love you," she said softly.

"Say it louder," Nick whispered, as his tongue flicked over her earlobe, then down her neck. "Say it so the whole fucking world can hear you."

"God, I love you, Nick! I love you. I've always loved you," Kelly nearly shouted. A sadistic smile crossed Nick's lips as soon as she said the words left her mouth. He motioned slightly to his left, towards the house. Confusion clouded Kelly's face and she slowly turned to the house.

AJ stood in the doorway, his arms crossed, and a very angry look on his face.

"Nick, get the fuck out of my house," AJ growled. "And Kelly, get the fuck upstairs and pack your shit. You're leaving."

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