Crash Into Me

Chapter 3

AJ laid back on Kelly's bed, his hands behind his head, as he watched her move around the room, straightening things up. The pain pills he had brought back for her had kicked in, and Kelly was beginning to feel much better. She had called and canceled her chiropractor's visit.

"Are you just gonna sit there and watch me clean?" she asked.

"Strip for me," he said, chewing his gum loudly.

"Excuse me?"

"Strip for me," he repeated, slower this time.

"I'm not an idiot, so you don't have to talk like that. I don't do strip teases," she replied.

"For twenty-four grand, you'd better do whatever I tell you to do," he laughed.

Kelly stood in the doorway to the bathroom and looked at him, lying on her bed as if it were his own, chomping that damned piece of gum like a fucking cow chewing its cud. She shook her head in disgust. If it weren't for the pain pills, she would have been totally revolted by him. But... with the warm glow she was feeling at the moment, she was a little more obliging that she normally would have been. She let out a soft sigh and walked to the stereo. She put on a CD she thought would be appropriate. Justify My Love by Madonna... that was a good one. As soon as the music began, she began a slow, sensuous groove. It had been a long time since she had stripped. She hoped she could remember how. She turned and lowered her head, but never let her eyes leave his. As she moved toward him, she untied the silk robe and let it fall off her shoulders. AJ smiled slightly, but never moved. She let the robe fall to the floor, and tilted her head to one side, licking her lips softly. AJ could feel a stirring in his groin, and he began to chew his gum harder. She reached up and pulled the clip out of her hair, allowing it to tumble down over her soft shoulders. As she pulled the spaghetti straps of her gown down over her shoulder, AJ just wanted to reach out and touch them so badly, but he kept his hands firmly behind his head. She slowly... slowly let the gown slip down over her breasts, revealing the most perfect nipples AJ had ever seen. They were so round and pink, and they stood erect like pencil erasers. It was very obvious that her breasts were all natural, too. AJ realized he was holding his breath, and he let out a quiet sigh. She allowed the gown to slip down further, further, until she stood in front of him in only her hunter green satin panties. AJ couldn't remember ever feeling this turned on in his life.

"Take those off," he rasped, barely able to speak.

"You take them off," she murmured, smirking at him. He slowly made his way off the bed and walked over to her. He stopped inches from her body, looking eye to eye, as she was as tall as he was. He wanted to touch her so badly. He closed his eyes and ran his hands over her shoulders. Her skin was as soft as a baby's. His hands moved down her arms to her hands, then to her hips. As he began to push down her panties, he sank to his knees in front of her and kissed her firm stomach. She ran her fingers through his bleached blonde hair. His kisses traveled lower, and he ran his tongue through the neatly trimmed patch of auburn hair between her legs. He gently spread her legs, and ran his tongue up the cleft of her femininity. She sighed, unable to deny to herself that this actually felt nice. He stood and looked her in the eye again. There was no smile on either of their faces as AJ wrapped his arm around her waist and pushed her over to the bed. He gently laid her down and emersed his tongue between her long legs, devouring her as if she was rich, sweet ice cream. She gasped and arched her back, her fingers digging into his shoulders. He wrapped his arms around her legs, and pulled her closer to him. She rarely let herself enjoy the games of her clients, but this time, she couldn't help it. He was honest to goodness talented. He spread her legs wide and plunged his tongue deep inside her, causing her to cry out. He groaned as he felt her contracting around his tongue, and he grasped her clit in his teeth. She cried out again, and dug her nails into the back of his head. As soon as he began to suck, she came. The orgasm came from deep inside her, and she cried out loudly, bucking against his face. As soon as she was able to calm down sufficiently, AJ moved up onto the bed beside her. He inserted two fingers into her quivering wetness, then kissed her lips. She began to pull his shirt up his back, and he allowed her to pull it over his head. He removed his fingers from her only long enough to let her take the shirt all the way off. She ran her hands over his firmly muscled chest. For a small guy, he had a beautiful body. She ran her tongue down his neck, nipping lightly at the skin as she went. Her hands moved down to his jeans, and she slowly unbuttoned them as she kissed his lips. She pulled away from him long enough to remove his jeans and boxers. She sat over him, staring down at his beautiful body. He laced his hands behind his head again and smiled. He had a great cock, she noticed. Perfectly proportioned. He obviously knew it, too. She reached over to the side table drawer and took out a condom.

"Nooo," he groaned. "I don't like those."

"Well, then I guess you don't want to have sex with me, do you?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Ok, ok. Fine. But you put it on," he said.

"I was planning to," she replied, tearing the package open and sliding the sheath over his hardness. She straddled him and lowered herself onto his cock slowly. He closed his eyes and let out a long, deep breath. He pulled her body down so he could get one of her nipples into his mouth. As they began to fuck, it was obvious to Kelly that he was very, very experienced. Maybe even as much as she was. Just as she was beginning to enjoy herself, he flipped her body over and shoved himself roughly into her from behind.

"Oww," she complained. "That hurts."

"Oh, but it's more fun like this," he said breathlessly, thrusting in and out of her sharply. She had to make him cum quickly, or she was afraid he might break something inside her. She clenched herself around his hardness and reached between her legs, cupping his balls in her hand. He groaned.

"Ohh that feels so good, but it won't work with me, baby," he said, laughing. "I cum when I wanna cum, and not a minute sooner."

He continued his skilled but painful sex until Kelly thought she could take it no longer. She tried to pull away from him, but he grabbed her hips with his strong hands, and thrust into her even harder.

"You're hurting me!" she cried.

"Am I hurting you bad?" he asked through clenched teeth, holding her hips in place, his fingers digging into her flesh.

"YES! Please stop!"

Suddenly, he gave one more hard thrust and she felt him begin to throb. After he let go of her, she clambered off the bed and went into the bathroom. She was shaking and hurting. She found that she was even bleeding a little... He was a FREAK. She got into the shower immediately to rid herself of him. A few minutes later, he joined her. He climbed into the shower behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you. I just get carried away sometimes," he whispered, kissing her neck. She didn't reply. He turned her around gently and held her face in his hands. He kissed her softly, then smiled.

"We're gonna have a fun 3 days," he said
