Crash Into Me

Chapter 6

AJ sat in his car, hidden behind the deep tint of the windows. He watched Kelly enter her apartment building, and waited until the light came on inside before he got out. He made his way up the elevator and to her door, where he knocked softly and waited for her to answer.As she opened the door , he could see her expression visibly change to a look of anger and fear.

"What are you doing here?" she asked harshly. "I thought I told you to never come back."

"I just had to see you," he said, his eyes shielded by the darkly tinted sunglasses.

"I don't want to see you," she said, shaking her head in disgust. "You're crazy."

"But I brought you these," he said, pulling a bouquet of roses from behind his back. Kelly snatched them from his hand and beat them repeatedly against the door frame, sending rosebuds and petals flying.


"Kelly, I love you!" he shouted. "Why are you doing this to me?"

Kelly's eyes widened and her mouth dropped in horror and confusion. "You what?" she gasped. "You LOVE me? Oh, you really are insane, aren't you? Get the fuck out of here."

She started to shut the door, but AJ caught it with his hands and pushed his way inside.

"AJ, I mean it. I want you to leave," she said, swallowing hard. She backed away from him and reached for the phone.

"Please. Just let me stay for a few minutes. I swear I won't hurt you," he pleaded. He fell to his knees in front of her and grabbed her around her knees. Kelly looked down at him, stunned. He was a nutcase. She was truly frightened of him.

"AJ, get up. Please," she said quietly. He looked up at her and she could see the tears streaming down his face.

"I never meant to hurt you. Please believe me. I would never do anything to hurt you, Kelly. I love you," he whispered, his voice hoarse with emotion. She stared down at him for a few minutes, trying to comprehend the situation. Her hand covered her mouth as she fought off the urge to scream and run.

"Please get up," she said again. AJ stood and removed his sunglasses. His soft brown eyes were rimmed red from crying. She reached out and touched his cheek. For a moment, she almost felt sorry for him. He pressed his hand on hers and closed his eyes.

"Don't hate me," he whispered, as he kissed the palm of her hand. "I don't think I could stand it if you hated me. I couldn't live with it."

"I don't hate you," Kelly said slowly. "I'm afraid of you. AJ, you... forced yourself on me."

"I did not! I thought we were playing a game, Kelly. I swear I thought it was a game. I would never hurt you on purpose. It was all a big... misunderstanding," he pleaded.

"I said no, AJ. What did you think NO meant?" she said bitterly.

AJ closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. "I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I just... I want you to forgive me. Please."

"If I say forgive you, will you go away?" she asked, clenching her teeth together. He could see the muscles in her jaw tightening up.

"Yes. I'll go away. But I don't think I can stay away. I love you, Kelly. I love you."

"Stop saying that!" she yelled. "You don't even KNOW me! How can you say you love me?"

"I do," he cried, pulling her to him. She tried to push him back, but it was no use. He was so much stronger than she was.

"AJ, don't make me scream," she warned. "I swear, I'll scream, and my neighbors will call the police."

"Ok, I'll go," he said quietly. "But I can't stay away, Kelly. You and I were meant to be together. One day, you'll see that."

He walked out of her apartment, leaving her shaking and scared. She locked the deadbolt and went into her room. She locked her bedroom door, too. She got into the shower and washed the smell of him off of her. She couldn't stand it. He was crazy.
AJ sat in the darkened room, staring out the window with his binoculars. He had signed a lease on the apartment the week before so he could keep an eye on Kelly. He had to watch out for his beloved. His bedroom window faced hers, and now he could watch her every night. She rarely bothered to close the curtains, which was a good thing for him. Kelly undressed in the dim light of her bedroom. She walked around the room naked. He loved to watch her get ready for bed. It was his favorite thing in the world. His hand traveled down to his hardness, and he began to stroke it. He watched her move into the bathroom and pull her hair up on top of her head. Oh, she was going to take a shower. He could just imagine what her skin felt like... how she smelled... how she tasted... He came before he even knew what happened, spurting all over the carpet. Shit. He'd clean it up later. Kelly got into the shower, and he lost sight of her for a few minutes. He needed to get laid. Badly.He picked up the phone and called Nick at Brian's house..

"Hey buddy," AJ said, his tone jovial.

"Uh oh. What do you want?" Nick asked suspiciously.

"I want you here. In 15 minutes."

"Here where?" Nick sighed. He was getting tired of AJ's games. But not tired enough to turn him down. AJ gave him the address. Nick pulled on his clothes, ran his fingers through his hair, and headed out the door.

AJ turned his attention back to Kelly's window. She emerged from the shower, fresh and clean. Oh, what he wouldn't give to taste her again... She did love him. He was sure of it. She just didn't know it yet.

Nick looked around the neighborhood as he drove down the street. That was Kelly's apartment building. He checked the address AJ had given him, and his brow furrowed. Kelly's neighborhood, but not Kelly's apartment... Hmmm... Strange.

AJ greeted him with a deep kiss. "Hey Nicky," AJ murmurred, his hand immediately going to Nick's crotch. Nick closed his eyes and sighed. AJ... God, AJ... He loved AJ's touch. He loved for AJ to be in control. That dark, hard, tattooed body overtaking him. God, AJ turned him on so much. AJ pushed Nick against the wall as his hands continued to rub Nick's quickly hardening cock through his jeans.

"You want me, don't you, Nicky?" AJ rasped into Nick's ear.

"Yes," Nick answered quietly.

"Show me how much you want me."

Nick dropped to his knees and slowly pulled down AJ's boxers. AJ drew in a sharp breath as Nick took him into his mouth. AJ ran his fingers through Nick's soft hair and moaned. Nick sucked cock like nobody else in the world... AJ wondered where he had learned it. From Kevin, probably.

"Do you love me, Nicky?" AJ asked, his voice low. Nick stopped and pulled back from AJ's raging hard-on. He looked up at AJ with his sweet blue eyes. As strange as it was, AJ could still see innocence in Nick's eyes, and he smiled.

"Of course I do," Nick whispered.

"Good," AJ said, ruffling Nick's hair. "I love you, too. Now come with me, my little slut-boy."

Nick hated it when AJ called him a slut. Nick wasn't a slut. Nick loved AJ...

AJ pulled him up and led him to the bedroom where he made love to him. AJ was almost always on the giving end of sex. AJ liked to be in control. Nobody ever took control from AJ. Except Kelly. She made him feel completely out of control. It wasn't a feeling he particularly liked, either. He was thinking all of this as he pumped in and out of Nick's body. Nick grasped the sheets and had to stifle the urge to cry out. AJ didn't like it when Nick made noise, so he always tried not to. But AJ was being so rough... Nick had never seen him like this before. So out of control... Finally, AJ reached his climax, coming inside of Nick. He collapsed on Nick's chest, breathing hard, and Nick rubbed his back.

"AJ... why are we here?" he asked quietly.

"Because this is my new place. You like it?" AJ said, not looking up at him. He sucked on Nick's nipple, causing Nick's hardness to twitch.

"Why did you get this place?" Nick asked carefully. "I mean, you've got a house in Florida. You live in Florida, AJ. Not here. And now you're right across the street from Kelly."

"Coincidence," AJ said, shrugging off Nick's remark.

"AJ... why?" Nick asked again. AJ looked up at him and the expression on his face told Nick he'd better shut up. He didn't question AJ any further.
